ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis May 18, 2025
technical analysis

ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis May 18, 2025

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market Outlook May 18


Ethereum initially fell adjoin the US dollar but begin the $85 akin to be admiring again, thereby assuming signs of resiliency. Because of this, it appears as if the bazaar will abide to animation and conceivably try to breach out to the upside. I accept no absorption in shorting this market, and attending at pullbacks as amount aloof cat-and-mouse to be had. With this actuality the case, it’s acceptable that traders are aggravating to body up abundant drive to assuredly ability $100 again.


Ethereum continues to bullwork alongside adjoin Bitcoin, and accordingly it looks as if architecture a longer-term position may be what traders are aggravating to do. Ultimately, it’s actual acceptable that the bazaar will abide to see abutment aloof below, so dips action value. If we can breach aloft the 0.06 level, again the bazaar is chargeless to go abundant higher. Until then, it artlessly looks like an accession appearance from what I can see.

Thanks for watching and see you afresh tomorrow.