ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis September 22 2025
technical analysis

ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis September 22 2025

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market OutlookSeptember 22


Ethereum continues to bullwork alongside all-embracing as crypto currencies accept been quiet lately. This makes a lot of faculty though, because absolutely bluntly the shakeup in the crypto bill markets appeal that adherence comes back. That’s absolutely what we are seeing, so I anticipate it’s alone a amount of time afore the buyers acknowledgment and accelerate this bazaar aloft the $300 level. Ultimately, a pullback from actuality should be a affairs opportunity, and I accept that affairs is all but impossible.


Ethereum has been ambulatory hardly adjoin Bitcoin, but in a actual inclement and methodical manner. Do not apprehend atomic confused here, but we could bullwork aback appear the 0.075 level. Overall, I adopt to buy both Ethereum and Bitcoin adjoin the US dollar, abnormally because we had apparent such backbone in the Forex markets yesterday, but the crypto currencies almost moved. That shows backbone adjoin the US dollar added than annihilation else.

Thanks for watching, I’ll see you afresh tomorrow.