14-Year-Old Developer Builds Uncensorable Voting Platform

14-Year-Old Developer Builds Uncensorable Voting Platform

THELOGICALINDIAN - This anniversary newsBitcoincom batten with Alex Pasfield a fourteenyearold developer who created a new apparatus alleged Bitcoin Voice a belvedere that enables uncensorable voting for capacity aural the bitcoin banknote community

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Bitcoin Voice: A Verifiable Voting Record of Blockchain Users Weighted by Their Transaction Amounts

News.Bitcoin.com batten with a fourteen-year-old developer who has been alive on cryptocurrency projects afresh and who has been coding back the age of nine. Recently Pasfield, contrarily accepted as ‘Plain Crypto’(@Plaincrypt), launched a belvedere that allows the BCH and BTC association to vote on important capacity by ‘putting their money area their aperture is’ — in a accurate sense. Bitcoin Voice is an appliance that shows accessible letters tethered to blockchain affairs that are sourced from alive data. The website states that it “may be activated as a absolute voting almanac of blockchain users abounding by their transaction amounts.”

14-Year-Old Developer Builds Uncensorable Voting Platform

Pasfield Coded His First Program at Age Nine

Pasfield says that his dad sparked his absorption in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

“My dad had been teaching me programming at the time and again gave me acumen into uncensorable, distributed, peer-to-peer, permissionless, all-around money systems — And accustomed he and I accept somewhat of a autonomous streak, this resonated with me immediately,” Pasfield explains to news.Bitcoin.com.

14-Year-Old Developer Builds Uncensorable Voting Platform

Reddit Discussions Are Vulnerable to Sybil Attacks

Pasfield says that he remembers benumbed a bike with his ancestor who began to explain to him how programming languages work, and he accepted the process. That afternoon Pasfield wrote his aboriginal affairs with a little advice from his dad. “Since then, he’s apparent me how to abstracted the back-end, front-end and database to body broadcast systems — which gave me abundant acquaintance with Javascript, HTML, web servers, Python, RDBMSs and Unix arrangement administration.” Further, the fourteen-year-old developer digresses into why he absitively to body a voting appliance for the cryptocurrency community.         

“I was alive with some of my acute accompany who were architecture solutions in this space, and we saw the beating that abundant with the censorship on the /r/bitcoin subreddit that prevented the association from advisedly discussing how to advance the Bitcoin protocol,” Pasfield explains to our account team.  

14-Year-Old Developer Builds Uncensorable Voting Platform

Building a Verifiable Voice to Influence the Coin That They’re Invested In

The Bitcoin Voice developer capacity that there is alone one applicant area you can vote application accessible characterization values, which is the Bitcoin Unlimited Cash advertence client. Pasfield explains to news.Bitcoin.com that he believes what is absolutely bare is wallet developers accumulation the accessible characterization voting arrangement into their wallets. “It’s absolutely accessible and alone requires a simple change,” Pasfield emphasizes.

Pasfield says that he has been attractive into the assorted ascent problems and affairs to adduce solutions to amount out how ascent can best be apparent for the altered bill out there. The adolescent developer adds that the acumen he congenital the Bitcoin Articulation belvedere is because “coin holders don’t accept any official, absolute articulation to access the bread that they’re invested in.”

What do you anticipate about this adolescent developer and his activity Bitcoin Voice? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, BCH Logo, and the Bitcoin Voice URL. 

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