Bitcoin Cash Update: Multi-Party Escrow, Vitalik Suggests BCH as Data Layer for ETH

Bitcoin Cash Update: Multi-Party Escrow, Vitalik Suggests BCH as Data Layer for ETH

THELOGICALINDIAN - Another anniversary has anesthetized for the Bitcoin Cash BCH association and as accepted theres been a agglomeration of announcements and developments BCH supporters this anniversary saw the absolution of a multiparty onchain escrow arrangement Ethereum cofounder Vitalik Buterin discussed application the BCH alternation as a abstracts band and added BCHaccepting merchants were onboarded

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The cryptocurrency ecosystem is abounding with new applications and developments about every day and abounding announcements axis from the BCH community. Last anniversary we mentioned the aboriginal exchange-traded artefact (ETP) tracking the achievement of bitcoin cash, Jonathan Toomim’s ascent benchmark, and how the ascent transaction aggregate on the BCH blockchain makes the arrangement one of the best admired chains according to the architect of Ryan Research, Peter Ryan. Since again there’s been a bulk of new announcements and developments aural the BCH environment.

Multi-Party Onchain Escrow Transactions Using OP_Checkdatasig

On July 12, the cofounder of Cointext, Vin Armani, announced the absolution of “Jeton Lib,” a Bitcore library addendum that provides users with the adeptness to actualize multi-party onchain escrow affairs application OP_Checkdatasig. “I appetite to see added bodies experimenting with BCH power,” Armani declared during the absolution announcement. According to the Jeton Lib documentation on Github, it explains that the BCH agreement has a different calligraphy functionality that’s not accessible on added Bitcoin forks like the opcode OP_Checkdatasig.

“This functionality allows Bitcoin Cash users to participate in onchain, noncustodial escrow affairs and more,” Jeton Lib’s readme arbitrary details. Developer Chris Troutner alleged the assignment a “game changer” and mentioned how the BCH peer-to-peer exchange uses OP_Checkdatasig for defended escrow transactions. Armani aboveboard believes that noncustodial escrow is a actual big accord back it comes to the crypto industry. On Twitter Armani insisted:

Onboarding More Merchants

This accomplished week, North Carolina citizen and BCH adherent Laura Young onboarded a new BCH merchant in her region. The bounded tea abode alleged Sipsum in Maggie Valley, NC now accepts BCH for casework and appurtenances acknowledgment to Young’s persistence. “I aloof onboarded a new merchant to BCH today — Congratulations Sipsum in Maggie Valley, NC acceptable to bread-and-butter freedom,” Young said on Twitter. Electron Cash architect Jonald Fyookball complimented Young’s assignment and said: “Great job Laura — Adoption is everything.” “That agency a lot advancing from you, acknowledge you,” Young responded.

On July 10,’s podcast host Matt Aaron revealed the aboriginal florist in Canada to acquire bitcoin cash. “If you are in Quebec, adjustment some flowers for your admired ones with BCH,” Aaron tweeted to his followers. BCH admirers can appointment the L’atelier Floral’s website to boutique for flowers, accompany annual workshops and adjustment floral architecture services.

Moreover, on the Reddit appointment r/btc, the BCH adherent u/Neonwasteland explained that the website now has 1116 online merchants listed in a “Merchant Monday” post. “There are 1294 brick-and-mortar merchants listed on Marco Coino, which is 43 added than aftermost week,” u/Neonwasteland noted. “And you can acquisition 1128 merchants of all types on Green Pages, which is 1 added than aftermost week.”

Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin Discusses Using the Bitcoin Cash Network for a Data Layer

In a (research blog) post, Ethereum cofounder Vitalik Buterin proposed application the Bitcoin Cash arrangement as a concise abstracts availability band for Ethereum. In the continued term, Buterin capacity that ascent the Ethereum arrangement may crave testing abstracts throughput application an another blockchain.

“Particularly [blockchains] that accept lower transaction fees per byte than Ethereum, as the abstracts band — Bitcoin Cash arguably fits the bill altogether for a few reasons.” Buterin listed four specific affidavit as to why the BCH alternation may fit the bill as a accessory abstracts band which includes:

Cashshuffle Blasts Through More Than 100,000 BCH Shuffled

Since March 27, the bitcoin banknote ambiguity appliance Cashshuffle has alloyed 101,718 BCH according to statistics. That’s a whopping $31.9 actor dollars (at the time of publication) confused by participants application the bitcoin banknote bond protocol.

Bitcoin Cash Multi-Party Escrow, Retail Adoption, and Upgrade Discussions

On Twitter and BCH-centric forums, Cashshuffle admirers were captivated with the anniversary on July 15. BCH backer and developer @Acidsploit said on Twitter: “We aloof accursed through 100,000 BCH confused — More bitcoin banknote fabricated changeable every day acknowledgment to Cashshuffle. Get started now at, because what you do with your money is your business — Cashshuffle helps accumulate it that way.” On the Reddit appointment r/btc, Electron Banknote developer and Cashshuffle engineer, Jonald Fyookball, was captivated with the account and stated:

A Recurring Payment Plugin for Electron Cash Designed for Noncustodial Patronate

On July 14, software developer Karol Trzeszczkowski launched a new plugin for the Electron Cash wallet that enables alternating payments in a noncustodial fashion. After the Patreon-like appliance Bitbacker activity went silent, Trzeszczkowski explained that the crypto association doubtable it was an avenue scam. Trzeszczkowski told r/btc appointment participants that he was aggressive by the Bitbacker bearings and advised a covenant-based acute arrangement band-aid alleged Mecenas. The accessible antecedent apparatus operates from the Electron Cash wallet and lets you authorize a absolute mecenas-protege accord with others, Trzeszczkowski stated.

“Mecenas was created as a band-aid for bitcoin patronate avenue betray risk. The plugin creates and manages a arrangement that accouterment the albatross for authoritative the transaction from the sender to the receiver with time and amount restriction,” the project’s Github affidavit details.

Trzeszczkowski is additionally the architect of Last Will, a acute arrangement affairs for the bequest of bitcoin cash. The Last Will agreement is additionally an Electron Banknote plugin, but allows users to actualize and administer BCH endowments. The Mecenas covenant-based acute arrangement arrangement is done onchain, in a noncustodial manner, and is permissionless by design. “The arrangement is authentic by a appropriate abode that is cryptographically bent by the arrangement itself,” the Mecenas certificate reads. Trzeszczkowski appear that he’s additionally mentioned the activity to the CEO of and the architect of as able-bodied to altercate the achievability of amalgam Mecenas in the approaching for a patronate bitcoin banknote service.

Bitcoin Cash Developers Public Meeting #12

On July 11, the 12th Bitcoin Cash Development video meeting for 2019 took abode in adjustment to altercate affairs for the accessible November 2019 Upgrade. Developers who alternate in the affair accommodate Amaury Séchet, Jason B. Cox, Antony Zegers, Mark Lundeberg, Emil Oldenburg, and Andrea Suisani. Bitcoin Cash proponents absorbed in account the draft blueprint summary for the abutting advancement can analysis it now. Advancement appearance proposed accommodate enabling Schnorr signatures for OP_Checkmultisig(Verify), implementing a basal advance and basal cardinal encoding rules in Script, administration NULLDUMMY and alteration the aphorism that banned signature operations in script. During the meeting, the developers additionally discussed the upgrade’s timeline and asked bodies to analysis the cipher afore the affection benumb on August 15, 2019. Draft blueprint are up for analysis at and during the meeting, programmers conversed about what needs to be done in adjustment to abolish the 25 chained transaction absolute as well.

A Steadfast Focus Toward Infrastructure Growth and Merchant Adoption

It was a active anniversary for BCH admirers and it’s adamantine for anybody to accumulate clue of all the altered announcements and developments. Meanwhile, BCH bazaar prices accept biconcave in amount over the aftermost seven canicule as well. At the accepted bazaar amount amid $310 – 325, BCH has absent 22% over the advance of the week. However, best agenda assets are bottomward by 10-40% this anniversary depending on the coin, as the all-embracing cryptoconomy’s bazaar appraisal has plummeted to $284 billion. Despite the amount downturn, BCH supporters still appearance a lot of optimism in adverse to added crypto communities. The latest developments appear this anniversary announce amorous proponents accept connected to bolster BCH basement advance and merchant acceptance instead of absorption in on bazaar speculation.

What do you anticipate about all the developments aural the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments area below.

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Image credits: Shutterstock, Github, Hifromlaura1, Twitter, Pixabay, and

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