Immutable Proof: How Blockchain Can Fight Fraud And Forgeries

Immutable Proof: How Blockchain Can Fight Fraud And Forgeries

THELOGICALINDIAN - Do you charge validation

With the acceleration of abstracts breaches, fraud, and character theft, a growing cardinal of projects are application blockchain technology for book and character validation. Digital files are absolutely accessible to alter with, as Craig Wright afresh demonstrated in his cloister battles with the Kleiman estate.

Now a cardinal of projects are using broadcast ledgers as abiding annal for important data. We’ve ahead appear on Factom, which secures abstracts on the Bitcoin blockchain, as able-bodied as Roger Ver’s Bitcoin Cash agent tool.

The capacity vary, but the archetypal is the same: anniversary book is acclimated to accomplish a different agenda fingerprint, or hash, which is again adored on the blockchain. Since the allowance of two files administration a fingerprint are astronomically low, the attendance of a actual assortment is actual affidavit that the certificate has not been altered.

And the cardinal of accoutrement is growing. Here are some of the added entrants to the space:


Touting its “proof-of-existence” technology, BlockNotary allows users to upload agenda agreeable from their adaptable accessories with a Timestamp. Each book is stored on the Interplanetary Book System, with a assortment uploaded to Bitcoin’s mainnet or testnet.

This abiding balance reduces the accident of absorb contravention for artefact users by proving buying and identity. The technology additionally enables blockchain-verified video interviews, acceptable artifice blockage and alien character verification.

BlockNotary’s Journal appliance has the abeyant to be advantageous for acknowledged applications, as it “replaces the cardboard agent account for recording agent acts.

Notarization via the Journal is anchored with end-to-end encryption, timestamped, and adequate for authenticity. BlockNotary is a able apostle for the acceptance of blockchain affidavit in acknowledged situations, with Vermont State Law acquainted the account of the tool, forth with a cardinal of added states.


Acronis has been about for some time as a “global baton in hybrid cloud backup and abstracts protection.” In their latest move, the activity is application blockchain technology in an accomplishment to “protect any abstracts in any industry.

The aggregation proposes a ambit of use-cases, including cloister documents, medical records, aegis camera footage, or abiding archiving.

Acronis uses the Ethereum blockchain for its agent functions. Users upload anniversary book to a repository, area a fingerprint of the book is stored as a assortment on the Ethereum blockchain. As the Acronis website explains, “Authenticity of a stored book can be apart arrested with the advice independent in the agnate certificate.” Because of the “known cellophane algorithm,” the website argues, “you do not charge to assurance any being or article to verify this information.

Users can alike analysis out the technology, notarizing a book by boring and bottomward it into the web browser demo.


V-ID has been authoritative above advance in contempo months, both developmentally and in agreement of bazaar adoption. The VIDT badge accomplished massive growth, ascent from a abiding seven cents USD in antecedent months to added than 50 cents in backward June afore cooling off to the low 20’s.

The badge was aboriginal launched on a baddest few exchanges, but is now accretion its availability, best conspicuously on the new Binance DEX.

Whereas added accoutrement save abstracts to a distinct blockchain, V-ID uses several altered ledgers to access aegis abounding times. At present, VIDT operates as a amalgam badge on Bitcoin, Ethereum, DigiByte, Hyperledger, LTO Network, and, as of this month, Binance Chain.

The activity proposes a abundance of use-cases, from the analysis of diplomas and certificates, to the affidavit of agenda media files and accounting records. Using the V-ID system, the about-face of a distinct pixel could authenticate the aberration amid a Photoshopped angel and the original.

Also advantageous on a smaller-scale level, V-ID can be acclimated for a array of absorbing applications. The V-ID website suggests a few added possibilities, such as countering authority fraud.

After [diploma] validation, graduates can copy, rename, book or accelerate a authority like any file. Recipients can analysis the candor of the accurate content, whether it is agenda or printed, in 5 seconds,” the armpit explains. Business invoices can be accurate by merchants and absolute by barter to anticipate counterfeit charges.

The V-ID activity already claims a cardinal of high-profile customers, including JWC Superyachts, Vitrumnet, and the educational institution, HBO Drechtsteden. Most impressively, the activity additionally counts Airbus Space & Defense amid its clients, although this could not be apart verified.*

More recently, V-ID appear a affiliation with AmSpec, an oil and gas analysis aggregation that produces added than 50,000 analysis letters on a account basis. In this case, there’s no catechism of accuracy: the affiliation is approved by the V-ID window on AmSpec’s website:

AmSpec uses V-ID for book verification 

Each of these projects has a continued way to go in agreement of adoption. But the attendance of a arguable agency of acceptance actuality on an abiding balance agency that blockchain notaries won’t abandon anytime soon.

*An email to Airbus was not alternate at the time of publication.