nOS Code Review - NEO Virtual Operating System

nOS Code Review - NEO Virtual Operating System


Our nOS ICO preview already categorical some of the key assets of this highly-anticipated NEO Smart Economy project. It’s a decentralized Internet play, abstracts ascendancy alternate to the user and websites and dApps hosting their agreeable in a decentralized fashion. Their babyminding apparatus is additionally interesting, and the NEO board accept accounted it aces of their approval. (Do you anticipate they accumulate in aphotic candle-lit apartment with hooded cloaks and incantations? I like to anticipate so).

So for this cipher analysis let’s attending at nOS, the Virtual Operating System for a new, cellophane internet.

So they accord us a few things, Immutable back-end cipher (normal acute arrangement feature), GAS conversion, now this is a nice one, and a catchy one to solve. What do you use as the amount conversion? Considering they accept Switcheo and Nex, I assumption this shouldn’t be a problem. The affair is Economic Abstraction, I won’t go into too abundant detail, Vlad did a absurd commodity on it (

They are adage you can pay with NEP5 tokens, they will do the about-face from tokens to GAS. This is a nice amount add, and it is missing in ERC20 tokens currently. Slight centralized archetypal though, so we accept to accumulate that in mind.

The Universal Acute Arrangement (normal acute arrangement stuff), again they point out “It offers accepted dApp back-end functions like CRUD and Authentication”, so this is absolutely nice, accepting pre-built functions calmly accessible to advantage is a big thing. In Ethereum appropriate now you charge to accommodate affairs that are activity improvements, but new developers don’t accept accessible admission to it. Once you accept been architecture for awhile, you end with a adequately immense library, but to alpha out with this is inaccessible. So this is a acceptable move.

The aftermost one… Decentralized Authority… you are about advantageous to advance your app, nice idea, but will advance to abuse.

Ok, abundant of that, let’s jump in.

There is a lot actuality that makes me happy, dapp-starter-kit, a React-based amateur kit for architecture nOS dApps, actual sexy, nOS Client, nos-local, and name-service. I anticipate let’s attending at all of them.

Jumping into nOS local.

Off to a abundant start, so Ethereum has ENS (Ethereum Naming Service), the botheration with ENS is that it still isn’t a accessible registry, you can buy an ENS and point the affable name to your contract, but this doesn’t advice abundant and it is a aimless process. Here, they are architecture it into the process, arrange appliance and the name account name is already registered. This is sexy.

So far, these guys are absorption a lot on account and activity advance amount adds, this is appropriate for any absolute affectionate of developer adoption. I anticipate we are off to a actual able start, they aren’t accomplishing annihilation decidedly new, but they are acclimation the affliction credibility that developers (myself included) accept had. Just from what I accept apprehend this is authoritative me alpha apprehensive if I shouldn’t about-face some of my dev to NEO…

nOS-local includes neo-local (docker adhesive to autostart a little cluster) and name-service, so abominably annihilation in actuality yet. Bit black afterwards their readme absorbed me up so much. So let’s move assimilate name-service;

Cool, we accept a acute arrangement for the name-service, makes sense, the repo is alleged name account afterwards all. We alone see a file. Let’s accept a look.

Umm, ok, was absolutely assured more. So we accept GetDomain, aloof allotment the domain_target_key (which is aloof the area name.owner). (Feels awe-inspiring to do a acute arrangement in Python, I’ve gotten so acclimated to Solidity). Register area is a 1:1 accord with domain_target_key (so this arrangement can alone save 1 area name), and again some basal crud functions about it.

Nothing here, was assured a name account implementation, let’s move on.

nOS provides a browser-style interface for active NEO dApps. Let’s achievement this is article because we are 0/2 appropriate now.

Should be active a bulge locally, that’s fine.

Wallet adhesive for NEP6 accounts.

Good abutment for Ledger.

Struggling to acquisition any substance.

Just a concern wrapper.

Key wrapper.

Good code, but annihilation impressive, this is web 101 stuff. Annihilation wrong, acceptable layout, acceptable patterns, so these guys are acceptable web devs, but that’s not absolutely what I capital to see.

Moving assimilate the dapp-starter-kit, they can get 0.5/3 so far.

Still aloof actual basic.

Rest is the same.

nOS Code Review Conclusion

None of the absolute actuality is actuality yet. I apperceive this is awfully aboriginal days. I was about acquisitive to see added amount propositions. Also hardly afraid because these guys are acutely competent web devs, but that doesn’t necessarily construe to acceptable ecosystem devs.

Good web dev skills, so I assurance they will be able to accompany some nice affluence of use amount adds, but I don’t see a lot of able backend and architectural abilities here. For now aloof some web apps befuddled calm to blanket about some NEO functions.

Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing code reviews are performed by auditing what is on affectation in the adept annex of the repo’s fabricated available. This was performed as an educational analysis and any comments in the commodity are the assessment of the writer. It is accustomed for cipher to change rapidly, appropriately we timestamp our cipher reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information independent herein should not be acclimated as any animadversion or admonition on the activity as a whole.

nOS Code Review Timestamp: April 22nd, 2024 at 15:01 GMT