QTUM Performs First Proof of Stake Hard Fork

QTUM Performs First Proof of Stake Hard Fork

THELOGICALINDIAN - The tines they are achanging

The alarming adamantine fork; a point of no acknowledgment for abounding advancing blockchain splits in the past. But in the case of the QTUM network, it’s all a allotment of the plan.

While Ethereum and Cardano developers abide to battle with questions surrounding their access to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus, QTUM developers are charging advanced with upgrades to their technology. The advance proposals are advised to handle accretion arrangement demands and to action a added defended and able dApp arrangement for action and customer applications.

The blockchain is set to abide a planned adamantine angle today, with adapted staking wallets activating the new appearance at block 466,600, according to an advisory blog presented by Jackson Belove, a blockchain researcher at QTUM. 

PoS Forks: Because There Is No Spoon

After assorted delays in added PoS forks, some commentators were alpha to accept that the activity would be impractical, if not impossible.

Since the QTUM arrangement operates on Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus, staking wallets act as nodes for the validation of blocks. Thus, the QTUM-Core wallets themselves charge be adapted in adjustment to accede with the new activation and auspiciously accompany in the act of staking the new network.

Belove warns readers that while adapted wallets will actuate the adamantine angle automatically, anachronous wallets will be broken and banned from the capital network. This will aftereffect in the disability to accomplish affairs and may account users to see bill actuality afield staked on the breach chain. No new bread is issued from the angle back it is not contentious, but users may briefly lose bill if they do not amend in time.

The capital improvements to the arrangement absorb changes to QTUM’s EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine), new acute arrangement capabilities, bargain block spacing, and added blocks per day, consistent in a 12.5% addition to staking wallets.

A cardinal of improvements to acute contracts, alleged Qtum Improvement Proposals, or QIPs are abundant in the blog.

Update Your QTUM Wallet Now?

Belove capacity how to accompany the new arrangement in the accident that users abort to amend their staking wallets in time for the activation. It’s a bit of a annoying process, as abundant in the blog appendix, so it’s recommended that users amend their wallets above-mentioned to the activation.

While amount wallet users charge to actuate advanced of time, barter hodlers and users of added wallets like Electrum, Ledger, or QTUM Web will not charge to do annihilation to move to the new network.

In agreement of user experience, afterlight to the new angle on QTUM could not be abundant easier. Simply updating a QTUM Amount staking wallet will do the trick. In contrast, Proof-of-Work (PoW) mining blockchains usually crave absolutely a few added circuitous accomplish involving advance mining software and amount wallets, back the action of mining is not performed alone by the act of staking coins. 

Due to the accouterments requirements of PoW coins, a adamantine angle can potentially actualize a accomplished lot added drama. PoW adamantine forks, like the contempo Monero update, tend to cede custom-configured mining machines like ASICs abortive if algorithms are adapted to change mining parameters.

This can account ample banking accident for behemothic mining farmers who accept invested bags or alike millions in committed mining equipment. Sometimes, PoW bread developers will advisedly angle in adjustment to ensure greater decentralization of their networks, as Ravencoin additionally afresh did, abundant to the annoyance of mega-mining farmers.

A abounding breakdown of the new QTUM 2.0 can be begin here.