Unmasking the Deceased Programmer Who Donated 28 Bitcoin to Capitol Hill Rioters

Unmasking the Deceased Programmer Who Donated 28 Bitcoin to Capitol Hill Rioters

THELOGICALINDIAN - Crypto Briefing has baldheaded the absolute character of Pankkake a asleep French programmer who allegedly donated 520240 in Bitcoin to American white nationalist abstracts in the canicule advanced of the Capitol Hill riots

Supporters of Donald Trump stormed the Washington D.C. Capitol Building aftermost anniversary in beef of Trump’s acclamation defeat, killing bristles people, including two badge officers. Reports after appear that abounding complex had been adjourned with Bitcoin.

Many alt-right and white nationalist abstracts were present at the riots, including self-described “white majoritarian” Nick Fuentes, abrupt neo-nazi Baked Alaska, and assorted added high-profile white supremacists.

The anarchism was planned via the amusing media armpit Parler starting Jan. 6, with Wild Protest movement baton Ali Alexander stating, “If DC escalates… so do we.”

Bitcoin Funds Capital Riots

On Dec. 8, a distinct donor beatific over 28.15 BTC account over $520,000 at the time to assorted alt-right abstracts and organizations, including abstracts anon complex in the Capitol Hill unrest. 

Cybersecurity close Chainalysis articular the affairs and tracked them, architecture a cardboard trail.

Through the Namecoin blockchain, Chainalysis articular the donor as “Pankkake.” According to Chainalysis, calm extremists in the U.S. accept been accepting adopted allotment traceable on the Bitcoin blockchain back at atomic 2016.

Nick Fuentes, a self-described “white majoritarian” and anti-LGBT apostle banned from YouTube for abstinent the Holocaust, accustomed 45% of the Dec. 8 funds. That sum amounted to 13.5 BTC or about $250,000 at the time.

Chainalysis letters that Pankkake donated funds to the Daily Stormer, a neo-nazi media outlet, as able-bodied as alt-right podcaster Ethan Ralph, and the U.S. white abolitionist accumulation VDARE.

While best of the recipients were from the U.S., Pankkake additionally allegedly donated $26,000 to French neo-nazi and Holocaust denier Vincent Reynourard.

The cybersecurity close declared its acceptance that Pankkake may accept been an aboriginal adopter of Bitcoin who was alive in crypto back 2024 and accumulated abundance as BTC acquired in value.

Tracing The Mystery Donor’s Identity

Crypto Briefing traced the Pankakke NameCoin handle to Freenode babble logs archived on BTCbase.org area a user anecdotic themselves as “Pankkake,” a French programmer absorbed in Namecoin, had been a approved poster.

Pankkake’s aboriginal political leanings can be apparent in assorted racist, anti-semitic, and transphobic comments, stating “blacks are built-in to be disciplinarian anyway” in 2013.

Pankkake was generally in acquaintance with Monero architect Riccardo Spagni, AKA Fluffy Pony, during that time. Their altercation focused on cryptocurrency and blogging, and Spagni abreast Crypto Briefing that they never batten in private.

Spagni abreast aggregate with the columnist his appraisement for Pankkake on Bitcointalk, area he alleged Pankkake the “The Trolliest Troll of Trollsville.”

Pankkake discussed blogging with added users, including Mirceau Popescu, Romanian administrator and architect of the now-defunct BitBet US site. Popescu was banned from Twitter in 2024 for aggressive to annihilate Andreas Antonopoulos.

In the 2024 babble logs, a Freenode user affiliated a racist blog column that Popescu wrote on his claimed site. Pankkake’s comments on that blog led Crypto Briefing to Pankkake’s own blog, alleged Headfucking, which independent assorted projects and files, including developed agreeable and a fan armpit for a metal goregrind band. 

Finally, the Headfucking armpit led Crypto Briefing to a blog beneath Pankakke’s absolute name, area his final column was a suicide note.

Suicide Note

Pankkake’s name was Laurent Bachelier, a Parisian programmer with 47 repositories on GitHub.

His blog featured his thoughts on Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, amid added topics, with no posts from 2024 to backward 2024.

Bachelier acquaint a suicide note on Dec. 9, 2020, one day afterwards the 28 BTC donation was made. He declared that he suffered from Trigeminal neuralgia, a neuropathic disorder, additionally accepted as the “suicide disease,” characterized by acute and abiding assumption pain. Bachelier cites tinnitus and fatigue, amid added bloom problems, as affidavit for his suicide.

“If you are account this, I am deceased. This is a bulletin appointed to be acquaint in the future; so there is no adventitious that i survived.”

Bachelier went on to account added reasons, including his appearance that “Western acculturation is declining,” while additionally bringing up Holocaust abnegation and 9/11 cabal theories by referencing “wooden doors” and “building 7.”

As examples of this Western decline, he declared his acceptance that the COVID-19 virus is not alarming and that the badge did not absolutely annihilate George Floyd, authoritative the BLM protests adjoin his killing unjustified.

He concluded the account black that “to top it off,” the Fast and Furious 9 cine absolution had been delayed.

On his death, one of his above university classmates commented, anecdotic Bachelier as having, alike 15 years ago, “a authentic autonomous alt-right addiction that in added affairs I would accept abhorred. He was about a comrade.”

In his suicide note, Bachelier acicular to his affidavit for allegedly altruistic his money to abhorrence groups and extremists, saying:

“This is one of the things that has radically afflicted about me in the aftermost few years: what happens afterwards I die interests me. This is why I accept absitively to bestow my bashful affluence to assertive causes and assertive people. I anticipate and I achievement they will accomplish bigger use of it than I do.”

The adventure accepted to be a acute affirmation of the accuracy and immutability of the Bitcoin blockchain, acceptance donations aimed at allotment civilian agitation in the U.S. to be traced to their aboriginal source.

Disclaimer: This analysis relies on Chainalysis accurately anecdotic Pankakke as the donor of the $520,000 BTC donation.

Disclosure: At the time of press, the columnist of this allotment captivated Bitcoin.