The Daily: BCH Outpaces LTC, Where Next for DEXs?
the daily tip

The Daily: BCH Outpaces LTC, Where Next for DEXs?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Saturdays copy of The Daily builds aloft some of the belief that accept been developing all anniversary The aftermost few canicule accept been actionpacked with the advancing Bitcoin Cash advancement assertive the account aeon Well booty a attending at how BCH has been faring as a acquittal arrangement compared to Litecoin and additionally analysis in on the bloom of decentralized exchanges in the deathwatch of Etherdeltas SEC smackdown

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Bitcoin Cash Maintains Higher Onchain Volume Than Litecoin

Cryptocurrency analytics armpit has aggregate a side-by-side comparison of how the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Litecoin (LTC) networks accept been assuming back the alpha of the year. The blueprint shows that back April, BCH has outstripped LTC for onchain volume, back bidding in dollar terms. “From May 2018 onwards, Litecoin went into about decay while Bitcoin Cash’s acceptance remained robust,” tweeted Coinmetrics.

By July, litecoin’s onchain aggregate had alone to about $60 actor per day, while bitcoin banknote was recording over $170 million. The data, which has been adapted to abolish the BCH accent analysis that may accept contrarily skewed things, show’s litecoin’s aggregate to accept plummeted acutely from October, while BCH’s surged appear the $200 actor mark, aided by renewed absorption due to the accessible Nov. 15 fork.

Troubled Times for Decentralized Exchanges

The Daily: BCH Outpaces LTC, Where Next for DEXs?The SEC’s decision to penalize Etherdelta architect Zachary Coburn for affairs unregistered balance on his decentralized barter (DEX) has accustomed added operators abeyance for thought. While DEXs, like all cryptocurrency exchanges, accept been ecology the authoritative altitude carefully for some time, the near-$400,000 accomplished imposed on Coburn has spurred added DEX teams into action. On Nov. 8, decentralized badge trading agreement 0x appear a statement in acknowledgment to the case, writing:

The Daily: BCH Outpaces LTC, Where Next for DEXs?The account continued: “Both centralized and decentralized exchanges can apprentice from the Etherdelta case. The advice from the SEC provides acceptance that acknowledged requirements charge be followed if assertive tokens accommodated the analogue of a aegis … the industry is alive through the best way to do that and we plan to be allotment of the accomplishment to advice brainwash regulators about the technology.”

The arch of the SEC’s new cyber unit, Robert Cohn, has additionally commented on the Etherdelta case, saying: “The focus is not on the characterization you put on article or the technology you’re using. The focus is on the function, and what the belvedere is doing. Whether it’s decentralized or not, whether it’s on a acute arrangement or not, what affairs is it’s an exchange.”

Predicting ETH’s Price Based on ‘Abnormal’ Movements

The catechism of whether ample cryptocurrency barter deposits apprehension a bead in amount has been a amount of agitation for months. A cardinal of Telegram and Twitter bots active traders to such activity, with a appearance to accouterment beforehand admonishing of an approaching dump. Coinfi has aloof appear new research into the matter, in a bid to boldness the catechism “Can aberrant movements of ETH in or out of exchanges adumbrate ETH amount movements?”

They explain: “When attractive at intraday allotment on the day of the arresting trigger, [ETH] prices tended to go down. But attractive at the abutting day returns, amount tended to go aback up,” afore absolute “Abnormal movements of ETH into or out of exchanges does accept a alternation to prices … the aboriginal 24 hours would about accord to a abatement in prices, while the abutting 24 hours would about accord to a accretion in ETH prices.” It seems, at atomic in the case of ethereum, that there may be some acumen in watching for whales sending huge sums to cryptocurrency exchanges.

What are your thoughts on today’s account tidbits as featured in The Daily? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock,, Coinfi.

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