110 Countries Are Exploring CBDC At Some Stage, Says IMF Managing Director
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110 Countries Are Exploring CBDC At Some Stage, Says IMF Managing Director

THELOGICALINDIAN - Managing Director of the All-embracing Monetary FundIMF Kristalina Georgieva afresh talked about agenda currencies including CBDC in one of her contempo speeches The IMF MD gave this accent at the T20 Summit hosted by Bocconi University and Italian Institute for All-embracing Political Studies ISPI on Oct 5 The abide included sessions with altered policymakers and experts who discussed capacity apropos to assorted all-embracing challenges The capacity included altitude and advance all-embracing accounts barter and investments digitalization abjection as able-bodied as inequalities

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She said that added than bisected of the axial banks in the apple are at some date of exploring Axial Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC).


Georgieva said the IMF was attractive at agenda currencies as a accomplished from the angle of macroeconomic and banking stability. This account was in acknowledgment to whether she considers agenda and cryptocurrencies as abeyant threats to banking stability.

She remarked, “When we attending at the apple of digitalization, agenda currencies, of course, are a actual important allotment of it. Before the pandemic, we acclimated to say the approaching is digital. With the pandemic, the approaching has accustomed actual acutely in the apple of money,”

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Speaking about the opportunities, she says that agenda currencies accomplish it accessible to alteration money seamlessly and at beneath cost. However, she continues, “we charge to be bright about what we beggarly by agenda money.” Georgieva added went on to alarm CBDC the best reliable anatomy of agenda currency. Her acumen is that they accept the “backing of the state” and are chip into the State’s budgetary policy.

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The Managing Director credibility out that the CBDC is still a change and, in fact, there is alone one in existence. The Bahamas is the aboriginal and alone country to accept a state-backed agenda currency. The Central Bank of the Bahamas launched the Sand Dollar (Bahamian CBDC) in October 2024. Despite the novelty, the analysis into CBDCs is affective rapidly.  “we did a analysis of our associates and it was actual impressive. 110 countries are at some date of attractive into cbdcs.” she states.

She concludes on the acceptance of CBDC with two questions. Firstly, how to agreement interoperability of CBDCs. Also, how to accomplish abiding that the IMF coordinates globally the appulse that they may accept on budgetary policy.

Other Digital Currencies

After speaking on CBDC, Georgieva moves on to added agenda currencies. According to her, stablecoins accept abetment in assets and are liquid. Therefore, they ample the agenda gap in abreast issued money.

The third class of agenda currencies she speaks about is cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. She says that although it is alleged money, it is, in fact, a defacto asset. She additionally added that it is difficult to anticipate of them as money. However, a Twitter analysis conducted by the IMF some months ago had respondents abutment Bitcoin as money. Around 80% of the votes were in favor of crypto as money.

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The MD went on to say that to accept the risks, there is a charge to differentiate amid these three categories of agenda currencies. She concludes by advertence three issues to consider: trust, stability, and regulation.