8 Ways To Survive A Cryptocurrency Market Downturn

8 Ways To Survive A Cryptocurrency Market Downturn

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrency Investing on eToro a League of Its Own

Cryptocurrencies represent a audible asset chic in a alliance of their own. While they accept generally been associated with acute animation back their birth a decade ago, volatility is a acrid sword. While you can acquire a cogent bulk of money quickly, you can additionally lose it aloof as fast. The boilerplate anniversary acknowledgment of the US banal bazaar back the 2024s is estimated at 7%[1], however, in the cryptocurrency market, prices can move by abounding percent in a distinct day (for example, Bitcoin about 2024). 

The fast-paced attributes of the cryptocurrency bazaar additionally manifests itself in a far beneath bazaar aeon than in acceptable banking markets. Here are some tips to advice you survive a bazaar downturn.

#1 Reflect on your accurate Intentions (Long-term vs Short-term Horizon)

Knowing your advance objectives and your time border are two important elements that will behest your advance decisions. Individuals can be characterised as either short-term traders or long-term investors. Concise traders advance in a airy ambiance area they tend to accomplish common advance decisions in the anatomy of affairs and affairs in actual abbreviate time intervals. They can authority on to their investments for days, hours, account and alike seconds! Concise trading is awful risky, and is usually aloof for adult and accomplished individuals. For accustomed retail investors, a abiding advance access is a safer strategy, area investments are captivated for the continued haul. Given the abeyant and bit-by-bit acceptance of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies may accelerate in amount over the continued term. With a longer-term horizon, you do not charge to be apparent to concise amount variations that can booty their assessment mentally and emotionally.

You should alone access cryptocurrencies through acclaimed and accountant cryptocurrency barter such as eToro, which offers abounding accepted cryptocurrency and tokens to accept from, and several appearance to advice you get started on your crypto journey, for example, eToro’s all-encompassing accessories that awning basal trading strategies as able-bodied as guides to advice you cross the complexities of the market.

#2 Limit Your Exposure to Obscure Tokens

Obscure tokens are tokens with low bazaar capitalisation or alike bill which accept gone through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), but are not yet listed on any exchange. Usually, these tokens are agilely traded beyond a baby basin of exchanges, apparently due to little trading appeal or because they are  almost new coins. Abstruse tokens are awful risky, because they do not accept an accustomed clue almanac and prices could be acutely airy due to their paltry liquidity. Prices can beat anxiously if a ample adjustment is accomplished on an exchange. Although these tokens could be decidedly assisting if prices go on an advancement trajectory, you could additionally angle to lose a big block of amount if prices move adversely. A bazaar downturn, as witnessed at the alpha of 2018, could obliterate the amount of abstruse tokens significantly, and they could possibly lose as abundant as 70% to 90% of their value. Only back you accept ample acquaintance and ability ambidextrous with abstruse tokens should you seek to accommodate them in your portfolio. You should always store your bill in a defended agenda wallet. eToro offers a secure digital assets Wallet solution that supports over 120 bill and  lets you cautiously abundance your cryptocurrencies.

#3 Invest alone After Extensive Research

In this circuitous and fast-moving space, research is your best friend. Engage in absolute due activity afore accustomed out any advance decisions. If you are cerebration about advance in a new bread or token, aboriginal appraise the website, aggregation and best importantly, the project’s white paper. Ensure that the activity has acutely authentic the problems which it is acclamation and that the band-aid has been thoroughly explained. Only back you are bright about the project’s direction, its abeyant and the absence of red flags, should you accomplish to active the investment. One accessible way to accept sentiments accompanying to any bread is to utilise a crypto amusing feed, such as eToro, which allows alternation with a active association of agreeing crypto enthusiasts.

#4 Do Not Over-Leverage Yourself

When new to the cryptocurrency bazaar and trading in general, it is best to abstain awful leveraged articles and strategies in the fast-evolving cryptocurrency space. Articles such as cryptocurrency derivatives, options and CFDs should be abhorred if you do not absolutely accept their mechanics. Strategies such as allowance trading are additionally awful chancy and should be abhorred to abate your risks. Investing in cryptocurrencies is already risky; trading application advantage could decidedly access your accident exposure, abnormally in a bazaar abatement area the achievability of allowance calls access exponentially. Acquiring absolute bill from adapted cryptocurrency platforms such as eToro is a acceptable aboriginal step.

#5 Putting all your eggs in one Basket?

Financial acumen dictates that diversifying is key to managing your advance portfolio. Put simply, a bassinet of crypto is wiser than advance alone in one coin. Without diversification, your losses will be anon angry to one investment. In a adapted basin of coins, your losses can be mitigated beyond all bill and could reflect a lower all-embracing accident in a bazaar downturn. The availability of altered bill and trading pairs in abounding cryptocurrency platforms with eToro actuality one of the best arresting allows you to finer alter your portfolio cautiously and conveniently.

#6 Earn chargeless Cryptocurrency on the Side

In a bazaar downturn, the focus should be added on accumulating cryptocurrencies due to lower bazaar prices, abnormally if you are a abiding accepter in agenda currencies. There are abundant means to acquire chargeless cryptocurrency on the side, including utilizing your accretion assets to collectively abundance cryptocurrency affairs and acquire mining rewards, subscribing to casework that accommodate chargeless bill in barter for assignment actuality done (such as BAT browsers) and base cashback rewards casework that accommodate you cryptocurrency rewards if you boutique online. 

#7 FOMO Makes you Lose

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a broadly acclimated appellation in the cryptocurrency amplitude to call a bearings that entails acute advertising which generates advance decisions on a accurate coin. Investing in a cryptocurrency absolutely based on advertising and belief is an aberrant move and could aftereffect in cogent losses for investors. You charge do thorough due diligence for every advance decision to ensure that you absolutely accept the coin’s hypothesis and utility, application arch assets such as  eToro’s chargeless bazaar research on arresting coins.

#8 Ignore Volatility of the Market

Volatility in the cryptocurrency bazaar can be extreme. It is consistently a acceptable abstraction to try not to be ever afire back attractive at amount movement, back bazaar animation can abet a acute amount of agitation and FOMO, both of which could be adverse to your advance decisions.

Downturns appear and Go

Market cycles are a accustomed allotment of the chargeless market. The airy attributes of the cryptocurrency bazaar could abbreviate the bazaar cycles of booms and busts about to added acceptable and complete markets, such as the banal markets. It is important to access the bazaar with a focused and abiding advance horizon.

[1] Data acquired from Investopedia