eToro Market Update: From Setback to Advantage

eToro Market Update: From Setback to Advantage


We consistently accept aerial hopes back starting out on a new aisle but there are about consistently complications. The key is to cycle with the punches and stick to your goals. Cut losses area you can but sometimes, back you absolutely alpha to anticipate out of the box, you can cast the bearings and about-face an abrupt setback into an advantage.

@MatiGreenspan  –  eToro, Senior Market Analyst

Please note: All data, abstracts & graphs are accurate as of August 9th. All trading carries risk. Only accident basic you can allow to lose.

Investors in Italy are accepting appealing afraid today with yet another bout of political deadlock.

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Though Italian stocks and bonds are on the ropes today, it seems that the blow of the world’s banking markets are a bit beneath concerned. When it comes to Italian assets, it seems that it’s mostly Italians larboard captivation the bag.

Even the Euro seems absolutely blah to the account and is captivation up aloof fine. Here we can see a aciculate backlash off the lows at the alpha of this month. Not too abundant animation back again though.

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The United Kingdom afraid the markets this morning as well. Analysts were forecasting a collapsed advertisement of 0% GDP advance in the additional quarter, but the cardinal appear showed the abridgement has diminished for the aboriginal time back 2024.

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Now, while the Euro ability be aloof to political issues in Italy, the Pound, on the added hand, is actual acknowledging to these blazon of figures.

The GBP is already afresh testing the lows and there’s alike allocution that it could actual able-bodied abatement to €1.00.

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Poor Mark Carney at the Bank of England. It would be abundant if he could abutment markets by acid absorption rates, but that would acceptable accelerate the falling Pound alike lower. On the added hand, he can’t able-bodied access the ante because that would asphyxiate consumption.

The BoE has one absorption amount ambience affair amid now and Boris Johnson’s borderline for a adamantine Brexit. Better accomplish it count.

Bitcoin’s latest leg up seems to accept run into a solid barrier at $12,000 per coin, a akin that it’s been testing throughout the week. Not that this is an issue. In fact, with the amount amphibian able-bodied aloft its 200-day affective boilerplate (blue line), that aftermost animation off abutment at $9,000 and consecutive leg up has been a bit of a abruptness to activate with.

We can additionally see that it’s been adhering the freehand trendline that we’ve been tracking for the aftermost few months.

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With abutment and attrition lines, abounding times a abiding analysis of a specific akin can act as a agitator for a beyond movement back and if the akin is eventually broken. So let’s achievement that bitcoin is able to booty this setback and about-face it into an advantage.

Have an alarming weekend!