eToro Market Update: So Long & Thanks for All the Fish

eToro Market Update: So Long & Thanks for All the Fish


In the fourth book of his ablaze leash The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams explains how Dolphins are smarter than bodies and accept been aggravating to acquaint with us in cipher for quite some time.

The access was so ablaze that it was acclimated as the addition to the blur adaptation, who alike made an absolute song about the porpoise’s final message.

It has me wondering, who abroad ability be aggravating to acquaint with us by code? The Fed perhaps??

In this 45 second clip of Jerome Powell’s contempo affidavit to Congress, we can see that he coughs twice. Each time was back advertence a accessible bread-and-butter downturn. He additionally touches his adenoids back talking about a Congressional address that states the US budget is on an unsustainable path. Then abreast the end makes a rather adverse stutter/Freudian slip.

We get your message, Powell. The abridgement is accomplished but the US debt is out of control.

This is article we’ve talked about abounding times in these updates. Certainly no charge to panic, as continued as they can abide advantageous the aerial aggregate should be accomplished for now. It’s added like one of those abiding problems that future America will charge to accord with but consistently has the achievability of bitter at any time.

@MatiGreenspan – eToro, Senior Market Analyst

Please note: All data, abstracts & graphs are accurate as of November 15th. All trading carries risk. Only accident basic you can allow to lose.

This morning, US barter secretary Larry Kudlow is accomplishing his best to advertise the bazaar on the adventure that the appearance one barter accord is advancing forth able-bodied and it looks like it’s working.

Of course, anyone who looks accomplished the account can calmly see that the US and China still accept a ample gap in their expectations. Nevertheless, banal indices are testing their best accomplished levels today.

It would not at all be hasty to see a 5% to 10% alteration when/if this accord assault up. Incidentally, the S&P 500 appropriate now is about 6% aloft its 200 day affective boilerplate (blue line).

Retails sales are set to be appear at 8:30 AM on Wall Street, one hour afore the aperture alarm and could set the accent for the trading day.

Analysts are bulging amount retails sales to be adequately able at 0.3%. Here we can see the analysts anticipation anniversary ages in gold and the absolute abstracts in blue.

Something tells me that this absolution could be absolutely analytical to compassionate the accepted abridgement and so has the abeyant to accept a beyond than accustomed appulse on the market. A able cardinal could accord some abundant bare aplomb to those alert to the Fed’s new begin abiding footing. A disappointment however…

The accumulation iconized by their Guy Fawkes masks and tech-savvy anti-corruption antics are aback in the account afresh and this time they’re announcement bitcoin.

The aftermost time we’ve heard from the accumulation was back they declared war on ISIS but they acquired widespread popularity in 2024 and 2024 with a actual relatable bulletin of captivation bodies at the top answerable for their actions.

Now, they’re aback with a bulletin that abstracts aloofness is important. In this different columnist release, they’ve categorical how big corporations are application the people’s own abstracts adjoin them and apprenticed a absolute of $75 actor account of bitcoin in adjustment to advance projects that assure bodies from it.

It does attending like they were aiming a bit college admitting because the website’s antecedent cipher absolutely says they are altruistic $100 million.

Perhaps they afflicted it at the aftermost minute.  In any case, the mission account is clear.

Comments on the blog that we wrote on Wednesday about big tech’s advance into banking casework were resounding. Many bodies are artlessly not accommodating to assurance Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon with their banking data. So what’s the alternative? I assumption we’ll acquisition out anon enough.

Once again, I’d like to accelerate a huge than you to anybody for the amazing acknowledgment and encouragement you’ve accustomed me over the years. This is what gives me the backbone to move forward. Have a absurd weekend.