Once afresh I acquisition myself autograph to you from the airport today while cat-and-mouse for a plane.
Today I’m headed over to Malta for the AI and Blockchain summit, area I’ve been affably arrive to allocution about the affiliation of crypto assets into acceptable finance. It’s declared to be Europe’s better crypto gatherings so if you’re there, definitely hit me up.
Yes, over in Europe tokenization is already on the appropriate clue and it seems that alike the United States has assuredly accomplished a much-needed advance towards tokenizing the US Dollar.
For today however, instead of talking to you about the trade wars, or why gold alone $30 an ounce, or the dozens of companies reporting earnings, or any of my added market-related ramblings, I’d like to allotment article from an broker who’s assessment absolutely matters.
In this abbreviate piece, Ray eloquently describes the exact problems with the accepted banking system. TL;DR: Money is chargeless for those who accept it and unattainable for those who don’t.
Make abiding to apprehend the abounding abridgment at this link:
Have a admirable day today and tomorrow. Will bolt you afresh with a able amend on Friday.