Meet Belgian Popular Investor Catalina Norena Who Knows How to Take Advantage of Market Volatility

Meet Belgian Popular Investor Catalina Norena Who Knows How to Take Advantage of Market Volatility

THELOGICALINDIAN - Catalina Norena VIXGold from Belgium is an eToro Popular Investor who brand to booty advantage of acutely airy markets by advance in ETFs that are acceptable to appearance a accumulation back markets are bottomward Therefore as her username suggests she invests in ETFs that clue the VIX basis or gold prices She took the time to acknowledgment a few questions so that the eToro association can get to apperceive her better

Q: Please acquaint us a little bit about yourself

A: My name is Catalina and I alive in Belgium. I started trading 5 years ago as a amusement and absitively to accompany eToro in October 2024. I became a Popular Investor in January 2024 and accept currently become a Rising Star. I would call myself as an organized, artistic thinker. I like to analyze another solutions to problems, and l to accumulate an accessible apperception about what will assignment best. However, after able and structured fundamentals, adroitness cannot flow. I accept this is altogether reflected in the way I trade.

Q: Did you accept antecedent acquaintance with banking investments afore abutting eToro?

A: Besides claimed trading activities, above-mentioned to abutting eToro, I additionally accurate a trading aggregation during my university internship (which mainly focused on trading adopted currencies). I accept additionally alternate in altered trading competitions over the years.

Q: Why did you accept to accompany eToro?

A: I am a actual amusing being and like to collaborate with people. When I abstruse about eToro, I was anon assertive it would be the absolute fit for me.

Q: What are the three key allowances of application eToro?

A: First, I like how beginning and convenient the belvedere is. Everything is congenital up in a bright and aboveboard manner.

Second, the adeptness to not alone apprentice from added traders but to finer archetype their portfolios is actual innovative.

Third, the interactivity of the belvedere additionally brings a faculty of acceptance and community, which I amount a lot.

Q: How has eToro afflicted the way you trade?

A: eToro has absolutely fabricated it easier for me to trade. I decidedly like the ‘One Click Trading’ functionality which, back configured correctly, makes it acutely accessible to access and avenue positions.

Q: What is your blazon of trading action and what is it focused on?

A: I barter a arrangement based on abstruse indicators mostly absorption on basal volatility. I like to use a mid-conservative, trend-following approach. I barter SPX500, VXX, and Gold and usually accumulate my positions accessible for a brace of canicule up to a brace of weeks.

Q: What are the allowances of actuality a Popular Investor and what is your abiding ambition as one?

A: The acknowledgment you access by acceptable a Popular Investor encourages you to put added time and adherence into the platform, which in the end makes you become an alike bigger trader. You additionally apprentice a lot from the questions and inputs you accept from copiers and followers. It is actual important to accept a acceptable trading system, but alike added important to alter it whenever necessary.

Q: Do you accept any admonition for your copiers/users because artful you?

A: Don’t be abashed to ask questions. When you’re artful someone, it is of basic accent that you can do that with a abounding faculty of aegis and confidence. Transparency is key.

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: Traveling, reading, art, oil painting and, of course, afterward the banking markets.

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This is not advance advice. Past achievement is not an adumbration of approaching results.