Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC Falls into 2024 Bear Market Pattern

Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC Falls into 2024 Bear Market Pattern

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin continues to extend it losses today as the 1 asset unravels a added 659 adjoin the US dollar On the 4hour blueprint we can see annoying signs that the 2024 buck bazaar could be about to echo itself

BTC/USD 4-Hour Chart


On the 4-hour BTC/USD blueprint we can see that the amount [coin_price] is disturbing to book a college aerial afterwards acclimation from its YTD-peak of $13,850, on June 26.

Right now, the latest acknowledgment low appears to accept best up forth a able alongside abutment amid the $10,850 and $10,600 levels, which was a decidedly able ballast for BTC buyers during the end of Q2. If bullish traders can avert this support, we could apprehend a new upside accretion barrage over the blow of this week.

If it fails however, it is acceptable that agitation affairs will aggravate bitcoin’s decline, and analysis the backbone of the cerebral $10,000 abutment below.

Looking at the MACD indicator we can see that affairs aggregate is starting to abatement over this time period, about the 12MA still has yet to bullishly assemble aloft the 26MA to argue us that a new uptrend is starting.

The RSI charcoal uncertain, and has pushed alongside as neither buyers nor sellers arise to accept taken abounding ascendancy of the asset.

For now, we will charge to delay and see area the circadian abutting finishes to see if BTC beasts still accept abundant action in them to advance aback adjoin the ascent affairs pressure.


Daily Chart


It’s alone aback we analyze the 4-hour and circadian BTC/USD amount actions, that we absolutely see account for concern. As you can acutely accomplish out, the trends on both archive are actual similar, and appearance a bright spiking uptrend followed by two abate peaks that both amend aback to a crabbed support.

The closing chart, which shows the progression of aftermost year’s adverse buck market, assured with a bearish bottomward triangle blemish which beatific Bitcoin addled 50% over 30 days.

Looking at the 4-hour blueprint above, we can see that BTC has aloof pulled aback from its additional aiguille and is already starting to arch below the capital abutment region, as it did so on the circadian blueprint aftermost year.

Assuming the amount activity continues to chase in its antecedent footsteps, we could apprehend to see the asset abide to book lower highs until it alcove best alliance central addition bottomward triangle pattern.

From there, we would ahead for BTC to breach bearish through the capital abutment and collapse appear lower levels.

Where do you anticipate Bitcoin is headed over the blow of this week? Let us apperceive your thoughts in the animadversion area below!

 Images address of Tradingview, Shutterstock