Bitcoin Price Analysis: Behold The Power of the Fibonacci Extension Tool

Bitcoin Price Analysis: Behold The Power of the Fibonacci Extension Tool

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Fibonacci addendum apparatus is a accepted weapon acclimated by abounding abstruse analysts to adumbrate approaching buysell targets or changeabout credibility in a amount trend Lets booty a attending at how its acclimated and how able-bodied it works on Bitcoin amount assay and BTC trading charts

The Wonder of Fibonacci Numbers

The Fibonacci arrangement is a cord of appropriate numbers ‘discovered’ by an Italian mathematician called Leonardo Fibonacci, during the backward 12th century. What is so absorbing about these accurate numbers, is that the arrangement of numbers makes up the ‘Golden Ratio’ or ‘Golden Spiral’, which is about the cardinal 1.618.

This aureate circling can be apparent in the way that flowers aftermath petals, snails abound their shells and alike how stars arise in our galaxy. But in this case, we’ll attending at this different arrangement of numbers administer to the trading charts.

So we apperceive that the Aureate Ratio cardinal is 1.618, but there are additionally added Fibonacci numbers that are acclimated in the Fibonacci addendum tool; namely the 0.618, 0.786, 1.0, 1.382 levels.

In adjustment to adumbrate approaching amount targets or changeabout credibility in an uptrend, we charge aboriginal analyze 3 areas; (1) A beat low (2) a new beat high, and (3) a new beat low.

Conversely, if you ambition to adumbrate approaching credibility in a downtrend, you would attending for the adverse beat levels (swing highs instead of beat lows, etc). In adjustment to get the best results, you appetite to attending out for able actuation movements with bright pullbacks.

Bitcoin Price Analysis: Recent Example

On the circadian BTC/USD blueprint we can see the contempo amount action of Bitcoin over the aftermost 4 weeks

To use the Fibonacci addendum apparatus (Fib Extn) we charge aboriginal analyze a beat low, which in this case is the $4,991 akin from April 25. Next, we affix the beat low to the new beat aerial – which in this case was the new YTD-high of $8,390 on May 16. Finally, we affix the new beat aerial to the new beat low value, which sits at the $6,178 level.

How the Fib Extn apparatus works, is it works out the Fibonacci numbers amid the old beat low and the new beat aerial and projects them from the new beat low point.

By accomplishing so we can see that Bitcoin (BTC) has already amorphous accumulation about the 0.786 akin at $8,841. If the uptrend continues, it is acceptable that we’ll see added alternation at the added addendum numbers above, namely the 1.382 and 1.618 levels. Alternatively, if BTC starts to actual again we should attending at the 0.618 akin as accessible abutment area bullish traders ability barrage an upside accretion from.

BTC/USD Past Example

So we’ve apparent how the Fib Extn apparatus works in an uptrend, now let’s booty a attending at how able-bodied it works during a downtrend.

In the archetype here, we can see that by abutting the above beat credibility that took abode amid July and September aftermost year above-mentioned to the November buck market, the consistent 1.618 addendum altogether predicted the basal of the Bitcoin market. (BOOM!)

We can additionally see that the 0.786 Fibonacci akin at $5,343 accurately predicted the basal of the aperture sell-off which beatific Bitcoin packing 15% on November 14, and the 1.382 akin lined up altogether with the able abutment that captivated up Bitcoin’s amount briefly on November 18.

It should be acclaimed that while these levels assignment able-bodied in abounding cases, the Fibonacci addendum apparatus should not be acclimated in isolation. Other signallers such as drive oscillators, aggregate contour indicators, and money breeze indexes should additionally supplement your analyses.

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The angle and opinions of the biographer should not be misconstrued as banking advice.  For disclosure, the biographer holds Bitcoin at the time of writing.

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