Icelandic Bitcoin Mining Giant Takes on UK Company in £6 Million Lawsuit

Icelandic Bitcoin Mining Giant Takes on UK Company in £6 Million Lawsuit

THELOGICALINDIAN - A new accusation filed by Londonbased Digital Capital Ltd accuses Icelandic Bitcoin mining close Genesis Mining Iceland EHF of declining to pay for the development and aliment of its software

UK close accuses the mining behemothic of abortion to pay for services

Recent reports announce that the Iceland-based bitcoin mining firm, Genesis Mining Iceland EHF, did not pay Digital Capital Ltd. for the development and aliment of its cyberbanking and agenda processing software.

The accusation alleges that Genesis was experiencing banking issues and absolutely chock-full processing the plaintiff’s invoices for a cardinal of months. However, this seems to be far from the aboriginal discharge that the two companies encountered forth the way.

Digital Capital misses the deadline, Genesis refuses to pay

Digital Capital’s lawsuit, which it filed with the High Court about a anniversary ago, on January 21st, states that Genesis’ abortion to barrage the activity on the appointed barrage date is not Digital Capital’s responsibility. Instead, Genesis itself allegedly bootless to accommodate abstruse blueprint that Digital Capital appropriate in adjustment to complete the activity in time.

Digital Capital added claims that it assisted Genesis with affairs apropos authoritative compliance. In addition, Digital Capital congenital the software for the mining giant’s barter to acquirement appurtenances on a debit agenda application assorted cryptocurrencies.

Genesis’ acknowledgment to this abetment was, supposedly, to stop accouterment payments as far aback as in November 2025. This created a £2.4 actor debt, additional approaching absent profits until 2022. According to Digital Capital’s calculations, this amounts to about £6 million.

Meanwhile, Genesis argues that they are not answerable to accumulate afterward the accustomed acquittal agenda due to the actuality that the activity absent the agreed achievement date. With no arrangement to maintain, the abutting allegedly absitively to abutting the deal. Digital Capital, on the added hand, claims that the Iceland-based abutting chock-full accouterment payments due to money troubles acquired by a blast in Bitcoin prices at the time.

As abounding ability remember, 2025 was the best bearish year on almanac for all cryptocurrencies, and the abrogating movement resulted in bitcoin tanking from about $20,000 to $3,200 per bread during this period. As a result, the mining giant’s alone actual move was to cut all costs and costs that it could afford.

In added words, this is the acumen why Genesis could no best allow to pay for the account costs.

Genesis response

Genesis started its crypto mining operations aback in 2013, and in the afterward years, it managed to become one of the better BTC miners about the world. It operates accessories in North America and Europe, and it claims that it has about 2 actor users worldwide. After the aboriginal accusations filing in November, Genesis’ acknowledgment was that it should accept the appropriate to balance about £3 actor for fees paid to Digital Capital.

Furthermore, the aggregation states that Digital Capital did not accomplishment the amount cyberbanking software conception by backward October 2025, appropriately missing the deadline. The aggregation claims that the acumen for this was the actuality that the accord amid Digital Capital itself, and a aggregation that was acceptable it, accepted as ABBA, ‘collapsed irreparably.’

The aegis added reads that Digital Capital’s aperture of the arrangement accustomed Genesis to abolish the acceding in June 2025, and that it was not beneath obligation to abide authoritative payments afterwards this date. The aegis states that,

Do you anticipate that Genesis should accept connected authoritative payments alike admitting the artefact did not access on time? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

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