Interview with LibreTaxi: The ‘Free Alternative’ to Lyft & Uber

Interview with LibreTaxi: The ‘Free Alternative’ to Lyft & Uber

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoinist batten to Roman Pushkin architect of LibreTaxi an opensource ridesharing adaptable app that will anon supportBitcoin payments to acquisition out added about his eyes for thisfree alternativefor Uber and Lyft

Ride administration applications are acceptable allotment of our circadian lives. However, there are aloof some areas apps like Uber and Lyft don’t awning and a assertive bill – Bitcoin, of advance – that these artlessly do not acquire as a acquittal system.


However, new alternatives are bustling up, alive the focus on advantageous the disciplinarian and allotment the user by application no profits and authoritative the app attainable to anyone. Such is the case with LibreTaxi, a cash-based, ride-sharing adaptable app that will soon to accommodate Bitcoin support.

Bitcoinist: What is LibreTaxi?

Roman Pushkin (RP): It’s chargeless another for Uber, Lyft, etc. It doesn’t attempt with these companies directly. I made it for a alien breadth area I was built-in and begin that bodies about the apple like it. Uber apparently won’t go to alien and rural areas, so LibreTaxi is perfect for that.


Bitcoinist: Who is alive on this project?

RP: It all started as my side-project, it’s 100% coded by me. My ancestor and accompany were alive on the idea, suggesting appearance for MVP and functionality. I discussed it a lot with bodies who alive in rural areas and who absolutely charge this app.

Bitcoinist: What are the capital differences amid LibreTaxi and added transportation and ridesharing apps?

RP: I wouldn’t analyze functionality. Well-known companies accept bags of employees, but I was alive on the app by myself only. Of course, LibreTaxi lacks some appearance at the moment. But the capital aberration and what makes it angle out is philosophy. LibreTaxi is free, there is no ambition of earning money, there is no ambition of accomplishing a business. It’s free, has open-source spirit inside, affable to all bodies about the world.

Technically it works through Telegram app at the moment. However, there is no adamantine annex on that (and there is alike a animate PoC). I aloof anticipate Telegram is nice, and it’s the abstruse booze that allows individuals to attempt with corporations.

Bitcoinist: What botheration does LibreTaxi solve?

RP: People charge a ridesharing account in alien and rural areas area big companies will never go. At atomic I started with this abstraction in mind. Now I see how bodies are starting to use it in some cities as an Uber replacement. Also, you can never adumbrate what blazon of auto you appetite – boat, helicopter, barrow etc. LibreTaxi is open-sourced beneath MIT license. Bodies can amend it almost accessible or add agent types and run Uber-like casework for their areas independently.


Bitcoinist: Is LibreTaxi decentralized? Or does the app abundance any funds and advice from the user?

RP: It is centralized. The alone acumen for this is that anyone should be able to run a carbon of LibreTaxi in a amount of hours and it should assignment accurately after any issues. The app food the minimum appropriate advice to accomplish it accessible to work. However, we anticipate aegis is important. We try to chase the aforementioned attempt as the Telegram app and its architect Pavel Durov. You can apprehend about them here.

Bitcoinist: Crowdfunding is acceptable broadly popular, are there any affairs for a LibreTaxi armamentarium raiser?

RP: I don’t anticipate about money at the moment. But it would be nice if I could assignment on LibreTaxi abounding time. I’m attractive for means to do that.

Bitcoinist: Since no registration or approval is required, how can users be abiding about the affection of the ride afore application this app?

RP: I can affirm this botheration exists at the moment. There is a abstruse roadmap on our GitHub page and  this is article I appetite to advance soon. However, for some countries, it’s not the case. For example, in Russia or India, every car on the artery is your abeyant taxi.

Bitcoinist: According to Github, Bitcoin payments are coming. Why did LibreTaxi adjudge to add Bitcoin?

RP: Because bodies appetite it. It was not my plan initially, but I apprehend this about every day – do you accept any affairs to add Bitcoin integration? Yes, we accept a plan, and some cogent assignment on that has been done already. I don’t anticipate I’m accessible yet to allotment all the details, but bodies will adulation how it works. It’s the one of my amount attempt – accomplish it cool, nice, so bodies will adulation it.

Bitcoinist: When can we apprehend this feature?

RP: I usually blot at predictions, abnormally back it comes to appearance (other software engineers blot too, but they don’t accept it). So I would say it this way: absolutely by the end of 2024.

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Bitcoinist: How will Bitcoin payments work? Is there some array of escrow?

RP: There will be some array of escrow. I’d like to, but I aloof can’t allotment all these capacity appropriate now because of a active NDA. I can alone say affiliation will be seamless and secure.

Bitcoinist: Are there affairs to accommodate added cryptocurrencies or acquittal methods? Perhaps ShapeShift, for example, to accredit payments with assorted cryptos?

RP: Have you heard about the WeChat agent app? It has a congenital acquittal method. It’s absolutely accessible to use – I was afraid how accessible it is. So some allotment of the affiliation will be done appropriate through the Telegram app.

There’s no payments abutment at the moment, but all I can say – there were rumors that it will be added by the end of 2024. I was additionally cerebration about ShapeShift and some added options. As you can see, it’s a actual absorbing and arduous task.

Bitcoinist: Arcade City is an Ethereum-based Dapp that has been dubbed as the ‘Uber killer.’ It has accustomed a lot of criticism for actuality vaporware or alike a scam. What are your thoughts on Arcade City?

RP: They accept Facebook accumulation and I got banned there alone because of adage I accept an abstraction of an Uber-like app in development — I alike said it in the comments. It was expected, back they’re focused on earning money. I anticipate they don’t accept that drivers don’t appetite to pay 20-30% cut to corporations.

That’s the capital abstraction of LibreTaxi – we don’t allegation drivers and never will no amount what. I’d bigger alive beneath the arch than cut 1% for application the app. They may accept a future, and I like some of their abstruse ideas, but I anticipate after the appropriate aesthetics abaft their account they’re doomed.

Bitcoinist: Uber has been adapted in assertive countries and alike banned. Is this a botheration that may affect LibreTaxi?

RP: Anything could happen. I was architecture this app with the abstraction in apperception that it should never be able to get banned. So initially, the source-code is not abased on Telegram, and Telegram is aloof one of the channels.

Right now, I can add addition channel relatively accessible and it can acquaint [with the app] without any problems. I like the spirit of Telegram because the architect fights for freedom. I don’t accept Telegram can ban us because of some regulations. Especially back LibreTaxi does not booty any money for itself. In some states, this circumvents a lot of the regulations.

Bitcoinist: Are you targeting any specific markets, cities or demographics?

RP: Our capital bazaar is rural areas, but it seems like it’s accretion into cities now. I accept to anticipate about convalescent and cutting functionality to accomplish it alike added easier to use.

Bitcoinist: What is abutting for LibreTaxi? Any agitative updates coming, besides Bitcoin support?

RP: Yes, we’re activity to add medium-sized barter abutment and appointed services. I like how works, I approved it already back I confused to Silicon Valley from Russia. There are some problems we charge to break above-mentioned to this, but I anticipate it’s possible. You can join our LibreTaxi account Telegram approach for updates:

What are your thoughts on LibreTaxi’s vision? Can it become a viable service? 

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