8 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Everyone Who Loves Bitcoin

8 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Everyone Who Loves Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Valentines Day is aloft us Forgot No worries Bitcoinist has got you covered We are activity to appearance you the best ability Bitcoin can buy for all your Valentines Day needs

Valentine’s Day is actuality and if you’re as bad with this affectionate of things as I am, again you’re apparently attractive for a last-minute allowance that can ample someone’s affection after elimination your pockets. There’s alone one problem, though: If you absolutely are like me, again you apparently don’t accept any authorization banknote on you either. Or maybe you aloof appetite to use Bitcoin because, hey a appropriate break deserves a appropriate currency!

While a abiding love letter on the best secure and accepted blockchain is a appealing able account and can be done in a few minutes, your bigger bisected may be assured article added tangible.

We’re activity to alpha off with a cliche but with a twist! Instead of accepting a box of chocolates, why not go big and accord a three-pound solid milk amber affection from Lang’s Chocolates. Nothing says I adulation you like chocolate!


You can get this item from Overstock and assumption what… you can buy annihilation from OverStock with Bitcoin!

Roses are red, violets are blue. I spent some Bitcoin, affairs flowers for you. You can acquisition a advanced variety of flowers (and added gifts) on FlowersUSSR.


While this is an all-embracing service, users in Eastern Europe can apprehend the commitment to be quicker. FlowerUSSR allows you to pay both with Bitcoin and Litecoin!

No, we’re not activity to acquaint you which allotment you should get and which color, but we will acquaint you this: If you’re activity for clothing, accomplish abiding you apperceive his/her admeasurement and chase your heart. We apperceive you’ll do well. You can search for accouterment items on OpenBazaar which accepts both Bitcoin and altcoins through ShapeShift.

So ‘hodling’ Bitcoin has paid out and you’re attractive for article agleam and appealing to gift? Well, attending no further, on Reeds Jewelers you can acquisition around any blazon of adornment and you can pay for it with Bitcoin!

If your bigger bisected still carries cardboard money (a.k.a abandoned authorization currency) around, again she’ll charge a abode to accumulate it and alike if she/he doesn’t, he/she will best acceptable acquisition a use for this abutting gift, a purse or wallet (no, we beggarly an absolute concrete wallet).


What bigger abode to acquisition a purse than a website alleged Purse.io? Purse allows you to buy items from Amazon at a discount, so you can browse through assorted listings on Purse.io or you can acquisition your account on Amazon and try to buy it from Purse.io at a discount.

If you appetite to go big and booty your admired one about nice and relaxing, why not book a flight with Expedia or CheapAir?

Beach dusk in Renaca, Chile

You can pay for it with Bitcoin and you can alike book a auberge (and more) on the website directly. 

A classic! But what does it acquire to do with Bitcoin, you may ask. Well, acknowledgment to Coinmap, you can acquisition restaurants and added food (maybe a cinema?) that acquire Bitcoin anywhere in the world!


So, acquisition a acceptable attractive place, amount up your wallet, and accept fun!

Yes, Bitcoin! I apperceive this may complete a bit obvious, but buck with me. Bitcoin is article that you acutely love, so why not allotment your affection with your admired ones?

analyst, bitcoin

Send them some $.25 and advise them how to use them. Although alms money is a bit out of fashion, this accurate allowance will be one that they may bethink for the blow of their lives. If you see yourself with your cogent added in the future, introducing them to the future of money ability just be the ultimate gift! 

Not anybody has addition to absorb Valentine’s Day with. For anybody that is currently attractive or still ashore in the “friend zone,” we accept appear up with a appropriate treat!


Why not attending for your bigger bisected with your best cash? That’s right, you now use Bitcoin to acquisition love! Sparklet is a Bitcoin powered online dating website that may change your activity for the better, so accord it a go.

Will you absorb Bitcoin this Valentine’s Day or accumulate hodling on? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Shutterstock, alpinemountainchalets.com, flowersussr, Purse.io