Blockchain officially launches their new HD wallet

Blockchain officially launches their new HD wallet

THELOGICALINDIAN - Back in December we gave you a bastard blink at the accessible Blockchaininfo bitcoin wallet which is an HD wallet with a accomplished bulk of new features

Today, Blockchain has fabricated an official announcement that they accept launched the new HD wallet to end-users. In the new announcement, Blockchain highlights some of the areas of focus of the new wallet:

As it stands now, the new HD wallet is a autonomous advancement option, area you can accept to abide with the accepted wallet or advancement to the new HD wallet. Blockchain says admitting eventually all users will charge to accomplish the about-face to the new wallet. Some of the new appearance include:

You can assurance up for a Blockchain wallet today here or if you’re an absolute user back you go to login accomplish abiding to bang on the “try the new wallet version” articulation to upgrade.