Pioneering Cryptographer Develops Quantum-Resistant Messaging App
alex gallagher

Pioneering Cryptographer Develops Quantum-Resistant Messaging App

THELOGICALINDIAN - XX Messenger is developed by acclaimed cryptographer David Chaum

David Chaum, a avant-garde in cryptography and broadly accustomed as the artist of digital cash, has developed a fully-decentralized, clandestine agent app purportedly aggressive to breakthrough attacks.

XX Messenger Claims Quantum-Resistance

Privacy advocates accept a acumen to bless today, as acclaimed cryptographer David Chaum has appear a privacy-protected, purportedly quantum-resistant agent app that uses blockchain technology to abrade sender and receiver metadata.

Unlike added accepted messaging apps, which are affected to accepting their communications intercepted and decoded by breakthrough computers, XX Messenger has been congenital to be airy to these types of interferences, appropriately consistent in a abundant college amount of aloofness preservation.

Quantum computers use breakthrough $.25 (or qubits) to backpack information. Unlike the bifold $.25 acclimated in classical computers, qubits are able of processing awfully added abstracts and information, in allotment because they are able to action as both 0 and 1 simultaneously. As a result, breakthrough computers can break problems accepted computers cannot.

XX Messenger takes this into annual and is congenital on the XX Network, which boasts quantum-resistant and privacy-focused technology that allows users to acquaint in absolute time through hundreds of decentralized nodes operating worldwide.

To added aggrandize on its decentralization, the XX Messenger operates on accessible antecedent software run by added than 350 independently-owned nodes in added than 80 countries.

In a Businesswire press release appear today, David Chaum said:

“Recent aloofness apropos accept sensitized the accessible to problems with ascendancy of claimed advice by centralized entities like Facebook. Realizing that their advice is actuality abolished by accumulated entities, bodies are now aggravating to accept how to use cryptography and smartphones to assure themselves and change association in benign ways; xx agent is deeply decentralizing clandestine advice the way Bitcoin decentralized finance. Let’s do this right: let’s booty ascendancy of our own information—and our destiny.”

The app is accordant with IOS and Android accessories and can be downloaded for chargeless via the App Store and Play Store respectively.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic ETH and added cryptocurrencies.