Fantom Foundation Responds To Andre Conje’s Departure
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Fantom Foundation Responds To Andre Conje’s Departure

THELOGICALINDIAN - Fantom Foundation has responded to the account of Andre Conje abandonment crypto The advertisement which came aboriginal on Sunday saw Anton Nell and Andre Conje advertise their abandonment from crypto and decentralized accounts DeFi and any addition thereof This had beatific abashed the association as it came acutely out of boilerplate abrogation abounding analytic the fate of the blockchain

Fantom Foundation had been quick to acknowledge and abode these concerns, acceptable the association that the abandonment would not abnormally abuse the development of the activity in any way. The foundation explained that Conje’s addition to crypto had been immense but that Fantom was not a “one-man team” acceptation that the avenue of a distinct dev would not derail the activity in any way.

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Furthermore, Fantom Foundation added that Conje was not a “core dev”. The activity will abide forth in its development as there are added than 40 others who abide to assignment endlessly appear the success of the network. In accession to hundreds of developers and 100K different addresses that abide to backpack out affairs on the arrangement daily.

The foundation referred to Conje as a “big account guy” who had formed carefully with the CEO, but acclaimed that his accommodation to leave the crypto apple would accept no appulse on the network. Development will backpack on as scheduled, the foundation explains, and are still on clue to address notable upgrades accepted in the abbreviate term.

Why Is Andre Conje Leaving Fantom?

Conje had been a notable amount in the Fantom association activity as far aback as 2024 accustomed his captivation and addition to the development of the network. He added went on to spearhead accepted projects like Yearn Finance (YFI) and Keep3r Network, alongside others, added solidifying his role as a key amateur on the Fantom network. This is why the dev’s avenue has appear as a shock.

In an announcement that was acquaint on Twitter, Anton Nell explained that he and Conje had fabricated the accommodation to leave crypto and DeFi. Explaining the acumen abaft this, Nell said that it was “not a knee-jerk acknowledgment to the abhorrence accustomed from absolution a project, but a accommodation that has been advancing for a while now.” This agency that they accept been planning the abandonment for a while.

Following the announcement, the prices of projects Conje was complex with had taken a plunge. Fantom’s FTM badge had collapsed 8% from aloft $1.5 to $1.39 and YFI had apparent $3k wiped off its amount as it plunged from $20K to $17K. These tokens accept back amorphous to acquisition antithesis afterwards this but abide to ache furnishings from the news.

Fantom (FTM) amount blueprint from