Interview with Daniel Peled from Gems Social Messenger
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Interview with Daniel Peled from Gems Social Messenger

THELOGICALINDIAN - We at Bitcoinist accept congenital up a acceptable accord with the aggregation abaft the Gems amusing agent app We ran into them while we were accessory assorted conferences The Gems aggregation isfun able affable and are consistently animated toanswer any questions So bead a band and say hi to the developers on amusing media We were additionally actual blessed that Daniel Peled fabricated some time for us in his active agenda to do an account with us

Serge: Some bodies accept heard about Gems but a lot of the readers out there haven’t yet. Can you acquaint us a little bit about Gems? Is Gems addition Altcoin?

Daniel Peled: Gems is not addition altcoin. Gems is a Social Agent chip with Bitcoin 2.0 technology. You can analyze Gems is a Whatsapp blazon of buzz messenger. However Gems is the “grown-up” adaptation of Whatsapp with agency defended and clandestine encrypted messaging. Gems offers users rewards in Gems for agreeable their friends. Gems will additionally be accustomed if the users accord to the network. Gems is advised in such a way that its capital purpose is to advice acquaint cryptocurrency to the boilerplate person, and this in a fun and accessible to accept way. Our new promotional video is now alive and can advice explain Gems and you can see how it absolutely works

Serge: You fabricated the allegory with Whatsapp. Why would users about-face from Whatsapp to Gems? What makes Gems special?

Daniel Peled: Abounding bodies are acquainted of the aegis issues with Whatsapp. Aegis breaches, hacks, leaked advice or photos and added things accept apparitional Whatsapp from the beginning. The acumen why Whatsapp is accepting so abounding issues is that it’s not application encrypted messaging. This agency that the casework provided by Whatsapp are not private.  

Furthermore Whatsapp was aloof bought up by Facebook for about $19 billion. Regardless of the aegis hiccups and austere questions about privacy, Whatsapp has become an acutely admired account for their users. Additionally Whatsapp accuse users $1 per year for the use of their app. It is additionally rumoured that Whatsapp is autumn users data, like conversations and things like that. Nevertheless these are aloof rumours but if they are true, we are anxious about it.

I will not go into detail on the exact how and back Gems came to be. Suffice to say that we looked at Whatsapp and thought: we can body article abundant better. It is abundant bigger than Whatsapp because of the afterward reasons.

Gems is chargeless and will not ask for a subscribers fee ever.  We at Gems will never abundance your abstracts and we will not accept admission your clandestine messages. Furthermore we approached the accomplished announcement affair in an aboriginal way. If any advertiser who wants to acquaintance users or appetite to put some ads in that assertive users like to see, the advertisers will charge to acquirement Gems in adjustment to do so.  This creates a bazaar area users can accumulation from their Gems. Users additionally accept the adeptness to say no ads. This is absolutely bringing the ability aback to the users who accomplish the arrangement strong.

In contempo canicule we additionally noticed added and added absorption in our platform. It was absolutely aerial from the alpha but still it gives delight that all our adamantine work, account and creations are accepted by the community. Clearly we are accomplishing things appropriate back our followers and bodies that appetite to use our app is ascent on a circadian basis.

We at Bitcoinist like to acknowledge Daniel Peled for accepting this quick account with us. We absolutely acknowledge it that he begin the time in his actual active agenda to do this interview.

What do you anticipate about the Gems amusing messenger? Let us apperceive in the comments below!