Robin Hood Group Sold DAO Funds In An Alleged Attempt to Tank ETC
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Robin Hood Group Sold DAO Funds In An Alleged Attempt to Tank ETC

THELOGICALINDIAN - The accumulating of white hat hackers calling themselves the Robin Hood Group allegedly attempted to dump DAO funds they captivated in ETC in an attack to attenuate the cryptocurrency by abolition its price

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ETC Dumped By Group Potentially Tied to Ethereum Foundation


The Robin Hood Group (RHG) was originally formed to affably drudge the DAO to defended the actual ether central of it. The accumulating of hackers blanket the funds with the declared purpose of befitting the ether safe until afterwards the hard-fork, which was implemented to both about-face the drudge and fix the artifice that accustomed the drudge to action in the aboriginal place.

This was an act that abounding in the association would acceptable accede blue-blooded and good. However, while it could absolutely be argued that these do-gooders’ pre-fork accomplishments deserve to be lauded, any parades that were planned should apparently be postponed.1-7q_XAFKv6-zL7faenF_GsQ

Some account is advancing out that these aforementioned bodies fabricated some adumbral decisions afterwards the fork. The way in which the white hat hackers “secured’ the funds was by agreement them in adolescent DAOs. Afterwards the fork, these adolescent DAOs remained on the ETC chain, which allegedly the aboriginal hacker is now alive his way through to achieve some of the funds he absent afterwards the fork.

Anyway, at some point these funds concluded up on altered exchanges. A ample bulk of ETC was transferred beyond a array of exchanges, with 2.9 actor etc catastrophe up on Poloniex, some on Kraken, some on Bittrex and some on Yunbi. While Poloniex and Kraken froze these funds adequately quickly, the added two exchanges, Bittrex and Yunbi, did not.

Dumps on both platforms occurred at the aforementioned time, 10th of August at 8 AM (GMT 2). These absolute depression created some complications for the sellers, and some altercate that it was simply an attack to blast ETC’s amount that failed.

This acceptance seems to be justified by the actuality that absolutely a few aural the Ethereum Foundation aggregation were a allotment of the Robin Hood Group.

What do you anticipate of the ETC that was dumped? Do you anticipate it was a advised attack to blast ETC’s price?


Images Courtesy of Ethereum Classic, Alex Van De Sande