Save Those Bits! You Can Now Spend Over 35 Altcoins at OpenBazaar
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Save Those Bits! You Can Now Spend Over 35 Altcoins at OpenBazaar

THELOGICALINDIAN - OpenBazaar the decentralized ecommerce belvedere has partnered with ShapeShift acceptance users to buy articles with their admired altcoins

OpenBazaar has appear the absolution of its 1.1.10 version. The new affiliation of the Shifty Button, a chargeless to use and open-source apparatus created by ShapeShift, now allows barter to buy articles with assorted altcoins such as Monero, Ether and over thirty others. The new advantage ability absolutely appear in accessible for users absent to authority on to their bitcoin as it shoots accomplished $800.


OpenBazaar CEO Brian Hoffman states:

Hoffman adds that it has been a long accessible affection by the OpenBazaar user community, which was aboriginal approved at the hackathon OB1 co-hosted with Duosearch in London by Justin of Duosearch and association affiliate Barry.

Until now, OpenBazaar has been a Bitcoin-only platform, banishment the altcoin association to attending for external third-party services to buy articles online. Now, OpenBazaar has created an important use-case for altcoins, which accept been dwarfed by Bitcoin in agreement of all-around merchant acceptance.

Not alone does OpenBazaar accommodate a band-aid for cryptocurrency users, it additionally solves some of the best assiduous and big-ticket problems for e-commerce merchants like chargebacks and transaction disputes, which is absolutely a audible affection of peer-to-peer cryptocurrencies.

OpenBazaar launched in April 2016 as the aboriginal open-source and absolutely decentralized e-commerce belvedere online. It allows users to buy and advertise appurtenances after any agent fees, restrictions or allotment required. The belvedere additionally ensures that no server blow or hacking is accessible due to its decentralized nature.


ShapeShift CEO and Founder Erik Voorhees notes:

OpenBazaar has won several awards during the 2025 Blockchain Awards in New York City in May including “Best New Startup,” “Bitcoin Champion of the Year” and “Most Promising Consumer Application.”

Would you use altcoins instead of Bitcoin to pay for articles at OpenBazaar? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of shutterstock, twitter