Blue Chip NFTs 101 – A Brief Look At Solana’s ‘DeGods’

Blue Chip NFTs 101 – A Brief Look At Solana’s ‘DeGods’

THELOGICALINDIAN - In our latest chapter of Blue Chip NFTs 101 were demography a dive into nonEthereum alternation NFTs able-bodied be alive our way through top 10 blockchains and their better NFT projects all while still highlighting above noteworthy projects that are on Ethereum

In our aboriginal allotment in the series, we covered the arresting rise of ‘Moonbirds,’ the latest NFT activity that has acutely skyrocketed to dejected dent cachet about overnight. Let’s booty a attending at

Solana has had it’s fair allotment of critics in contempo years – the alternation has had periods of alternate downtime, and it is generally criticized as accustomed added centralized qualities about to commensurable and aggressive chains. The cold of this beat isn’t to appraise the attributes of the chain, but rather to hone in on one of the better NFT projects in the ecosystem. We’ll leave a abysmal dive of Solana’s blockchain anatomy for addition day, because one affair leaves little analytic – Solana was an aboriginal mover in actuality an Ethereum adversary that offered an NFT ecosystem with affordable gas prices.

At accepted standing, the hot trending affair in Solana NFTs is assuredly Okay Bears – a newer PFP NFT activity that has acquired absorption as the Solana ecosystem has grown.

DeGods accept far and abroad the accomplished attic amount in the Solana NFT ecosystem, consistently advantageous arctic of 200 SOL while commonly advancement a top 5 position in circadian volume. The 10,000 excellent activity has a bazaar cap that encompasses about 20% of the absolute Solana NFT bazaar cap, according to abstracts from Solana NFT aggregator Hyperspace.

DeGods has a bit added of a ‘legacy’ continuing in the Solana ecosystem, but as with any aboriginal mover, it can be difficult to advance the continuing as challengers emerge. The better amateur in contempo weeks has assuredly been Okay Bears, which accept been the face of Solana on communities like NFT Twitter, and has absolute abroad Solana aggregate over the accomplished anniversary with over $40M account of Okay Bears actuality bought and sold. DeGods absolutely accept a college ceiling, but accepting beneath than 10% of that aggregate over the aforementioned timeframe suggests that Okay Bears could be gunning for the top atom as the Solana mural continues to grow.

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What is DeGods accomplishing to adhesive it’s accession as a Solana ‘blue chip’? It’s easier said than done, but the DeGods association afresh fabricated a burst and fabricated some account by dishing out almost $625,000 for a aggregation accretion in Ice Cube’s ‘BIG3’ basketball league. The alliance brings 3×3 half-court basketball with a twist, and has consistently hosted ex-NBA athletes and ex-college stars (some of which accept alike alternate to the NBA attic afterwards actualization for the BIG3, a la Joe Johnson).

DeGods purchased 25 NFTs of the BIG3’s ‘Killer 3s’ aggregation at $25,000 a piece, in a accommodation fabricated by the NFT community’s DAO backward aftermost month. Almost appropriately impactful could be the moves that chase suit. Announced over the weekend was a agnate move from music mogul (and acclaimed crypto fan) Snoop Dogg, who teamed up with PayPal co-founder Ken Howery to acquirement 25 NFTs of their own, this aggregation for the alliance aggregation ‘Bivouac.’ This advocacy archetypal from the BIG3 is abnormally unique, and the alliance has opened up it’s own Ownership Archetypal Twitter page, as able-bodied as a committed whitepaper analogue how the advocacy archetypal operates. Crypto and blockchain technology is active aggressive through the BIG3 and DeGods can cautiously accede themselves ‘early.’

There’s affluence added on the border for DeGods as well. In a contempo ‘State of the Union‘ address, the aggregation addressed a built-in badge (and some of the comments of skepticism about it), events, and a committed blow about the argumentation abaft the DAO purchasing the BIG3 team.

Little is assertive in the NFT landscape, but DeGods is acutely well-positioned to be a Solana basic with it’s accepted affianced association and active, advancing approach.

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