DAI Takes the Reigns as the Leading Decentralized Stablecoin by Market Capitalization

DAI Takes the Reigns as the Leading Decentralized Stablecoin by Market Capitalization

THELOGICALINDIAN - Following the annihilation of the Terrabased stablecoin UST the fiatpegged badge DAI has become the better decentralized stablecoin in actuality today Moreover Makerdao has regained the decentralized accounts defi protocols position as the top defi agreement in agreement of absolute amount bound TVL

Makerdao’s DAI Regains the Top Decentralized Stablecoin Position

This month, it’s absolutely bright that the Terra LUNA and UST fallout has bouncing beyond defi and the crypto ecosystem in general. Furthermore, the Terra abortion has accustomed the stablecoin DAI to achieve its position as the better decentralized stablecoin in agreement of bazaar capitalization.

DAI is the fourth better stablecoin but the top three (USDT, USDC, BUSD) are centralized stablecoin products. DAI is issued by the Makerdao (MKR) activity and clashing an algebraic stablecoin like UST, DAI leverages an overcollateralized accommodation and claim process.

Today, DAI’s bazaar appraisal is $6.24 billion but the stablecoin’s bazaar cap is bottomward 27.3% over the aftermost 30 days. While DAI remained stable, Terra’s abortion beatific shockwaves through the crypto association which in about-face cut the TVL in defi in half. More than $2.6 billion account of DAI was removed from apportionment back May 1, 2022.

On May 28, DAI’s better trading brace is the U.S. dollar as it captures 30.96% of all DAI trades. Other ample DAI trading pairs accommodate USDC (21.18%), TUSD (17.71%), USDT (17.46%), WETH (8.17%), and EUR (2.31%).

DAI has apparent $159,99 actor in all-around barter aggregate during the accomplished 24 hours and Kraken is the currently best alive DAI exchange. DAI barter aggregate is additionally aerial on FTX, Okex, Bittrex, and Crypto.com.

While the stablecoins USDT, USDC, and BUSD are in the top ten in agreement of bazaar cap, DAI is ranked 16 today. Additionally, Makerdao has a built-in badge alleged MKR which is exchanging easily for $1,178 per unit. MKR is the 58th better cryptocurrency today in agreement of bazaar capitalization.

Defillama.com statistics appearance that Makerdao is the best ascendant defi agreement as far as TVL is concerned. Makerdao has $9.38 billion absolute amount bound which has a ascendancy appraisement of about 8.77% out of the accumulated $106 billion TVL in defi today. Despite actuality on top, Makerdao’s TVL has afford 28.59% during the accomplished month. The defi agreement Makerdao has absent almost 2.53% of the 28.59% during the aftermost seven days.

What do you anticipate about DAI regaining its position as the top decentralized stablecoin asset today? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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