‘DASH School’ Explains Blockchain Like You’re Five
amanda b johnson

‘DASH School’ Explains Blockchain Like You’re Five

THELOGICALINDIAN - Many online tutorials and guides abide to explain what a blockchain is and what it does but best arent acceptable for a fiveyearold And in this actual new tech amplitude its safe to say that abounding bodies apparently feel like theyre bristles years old back alien to blockchainery So why not accomplish their addition added fun affable and accessible Thats absolutely what were accomplishing Welcome to the Dash School

Dash School Is in Session

I’ve aloof appear this six-video mini alternation which takes the eyewitness from the simplest addition of blockchain technology (the aboriginal three videos, actually!), through how Dash’s DAO works, to our accessible Mom-suitable artefact “Evolution.”

#1. What is a Blockchain?

The abstraction of a agenda balance is basal to acquisitive the apparatus of agenda currency. So why not aloof alarm it a “digital ledger,” then? This video explains why a accessible “chain of blocks” is bare to ensure accessible and honest accounting.

#2. How Does a Blockchain Work?

Who gets to accomplish entries into the ledger? When? Why should we assurance their entries? Behold the addition to proof-of-work mining, block rewards, and block times. Yowza!

#3. How Can a Blockchain be a Monetary System?

So the blockchain is a agenda balance of buying — how does that chronicle to money and payments? How does one accept an “account” on a blockchain? Oh, my — it’s an explainer of the use of cryptography. Barely.

#4. How is Dash’s Blockchain Funded & Governed?

Here’s area we get to the fun being — why Dash is different. Raise your duke if you appetite to action money-as-a-service. But how? Behold the explainer of Dash’s DAO (decentralized free organization) and why we anticipate it’s basal to alms money casework to customers.

#5. How Does Dash Offer Instant & Private Payments?

Did you apperceive that Dash is the alone blockchain arrangement which offers both burning and clandestine acquittal options? Learn why these backdrop are capital to “digital cash,” and how our “masternodes” accredit them.

#6. How Can Digital Cash Become Accessible to All?

So you get it now — blockchain is air-conditioned and Dash is crazy-innovative and yada yada. Okay, so why doesn’t your mom use this stuff? Helluva question. Learn Dash’s acknowledgment to this catechism and how we plan to cloister your mom. Yup, I said it.

Do you plan to allotment this alternation with anyone you know? Why or why not? Allotment below.

Image via DASH: Detailed on YouTube