2024 in Review: the Top 10 Crypto Moments of the Year

2024 in Review: the Top 10 Crypto Moments of the Year

THELOGICALINDIAN - 2024 was cryptos better year yet Crypto Briefing unpacks the 10 defining moments

From meme bill to the Metaverse, accompany Crypto Briefing as we attending aback on the top 10 moments that authentic the crypto amplitude this year.

2024 in Crypto 

A lot can appear in a year, and 2024 was no exception. For crypto enthusiasts, it was abounding of surprises. The growing absorption in agenda assets saw the aboriginal nation accompaniment adopting Bitcoin as acknowledged tender, dog bill demography centermost date as retail abutting the market, and above pop artists hasty to get to grips with Ethereum to excellent their aboriginal NFTs. In fact, the NFT access ability accept been the better talking point of the yearand not alone amid crypto’s agog believers. There were additionally affluence of skeptics who critiqued the ecology appulse of Proof-of-Work blockchains and abstract attributes of the bazaar as agenda rocks traded for millions of dollars and big companies like Discord and Twitter hinted at moves to accept the technology. 2024 was additionally the year that regulators started to pay abutting absorption to the industry. Binance suffered beneath the heat, while the SEC Chair and a baddest few associates of the Senate did their best to authority the United States aback from benefiting from crypto’s abstruse promise. Needless to say, acrimonious the best notable moments out of a acutely amaranthine account of cogent contest is a arduous task. And yet, we did it. So chase the Crypto Briefing beat aggregation forth as we attending aback on the 10 moments that authentic crypto in 2024.  

Elon Musk Helps Dogecoin Rally 

It ability be adamantine to bethink as far aback as January, but the aboriginal Shiba Inu-themed bread began the year trading at beneath than one-hundredth of a penny. Dogecoin’s assemblage to highs of $0.73 apparent one of the year’s better and atomic accepted trends: the meme bread frenzy. 

Dogecoin lacks any array of axiological amount hypothesis abreast from its ability as a meme, but this didn’t stop it from accession a huge band following, decidedly afterwards the WallStreetBets-led GameStop adventure that abundant in January. Eventually, Dogecoin admiring the absorption of celebrities such as Gene Simmons and Snoop Dogg. However, it was Elon Musk who went aloft and above to booty Dogecoin to the moon. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO actively accustomed the asset to added than 60 actor Twitter followers and is admired as the better active force abaft the coin’s aberrant surge. 

Throughout Q1, several tweets from Musk acquired DOGE prices to fasten as boilerplate media outlets aloft acquaintance by advertisement on the situation. Soon, added big names such as Mark Cuban and Ellen DeGeneres fueled the assemblage by belief in with their own takes. 

The aberration culminated in Musk’s highly-anticipated appearance on NBC’s Saturday Night Live, area he helped the balloon access by anecdotic Dogecoin as “a hustle,” bringing its months-long assemblage to an end. Dogecoin’s acceleration bent abounding bodies off guard, but it accepted that the ability of memes is a force to be reckoned with. While its amount has slid lower throughout the blow of the year, copycat projects such as Shiba Inu accept agitated on Dogecoin’s meme-powered legacy. TC

Beeple Sells a $69.34 Million NFT 

At the alpha of 2021 it was adamantine to acquisition anyone alfresco of crypto who knew what the acronym “NFT” stood for. Now, non-fungible tokens are everywhere, acknowledgment in ample allotment to growing acceptance amid stars like Grimes and The Weeknd, and groundbreaking sales such as Beeple’s all-important Christie’s bargain for his “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” piece.  

Described as Beeple’s magnum opus, “Everydays: The Aboriginal 5000 Days” comprises 5,000 images taken from the aboriginal 5,000 canicule of Beeple’s “Everydays” project. It was additionally the aboriginal absolutely agenda artwork to be awash at Christie’s. Like all of Beeple’s earlier NFTs, it was minted on the Ethereum blockchain.

Bidding topped $1 actor in the aperture minutes, but it was in the final hours that the bargain absolutely took off. A affecting behest war saw the bargain abutting at $69,346,250, authoritative it the third best big-ticket allotment auctioned by a active artist. The acceptable bidder, MetaKovan, paid for the allotment application Ethereum. 

The “Everydays” auction arguably apparent the alpha of a added NFT bang that ailing over the summer. It showed that NFTs could accept equal, or sometimes alike college valuations than acceptable art, aperture the aperture to boilerplate accepting of NFTs as a average for art. TC

Coinbase Goes Public

On Apr. 14, Coinbase became a about traded aggregation on Nasdaq beneath the ticker COIN. Days afore its absolute listing, Coinbase had acquaint a record-breaking balance report, revealing that the aggregation fabricated $1.8 billion in the aboriginal division of 2021, added than its absolute 2020 revenue. With such absolute news, the exchange’s accessible alms accustomed a abundant accord of hype, allowance actuate Bitcoin to a new best high. Meanwhile, the exchange’s appraisal hit over $103 billion back trading started. 

To mark the celebrated occasion, Coinbase acquaint a bulletin on the Bitcoin blockchain in a nod to Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin alpha block. The barter included a account banderole from the day of its IPO, reading: “NYTimes 10/Mar/2024 House Gives Final Approval to Biden’s $1.9T Pandemic Relief Bill.” 

In retrospect, abounding accept alleged Coinbase’s accessible alms a “sell the news” accident and a arresting of the bounded bazaar top. The day afterwards the IPO apparent the alpha of a bottomward trend in the cryptocurrency bazaar that would eventually see Bitcoin analysis its February lows. 

Regardless of the market’s abbreviate appellation amount action, the Coinbase IPO was a battleground moment for the cryptocurrency space. It brought a acute acquaintance of crypto markets to acceptable banking institutions, while authoritative cogent arena for cryptocurrencies and the companies ambidextrous with them to abide aural the U.S.’ banking authoritative framework. TC

China Bans Crypto 

While not technically angry to a distinct event, China’s accretion abhorrence appear agenda assets and cryptocurrency mining has been a above affair throughout 2021. Signs started arising that China was demography a harsher attitude on cryptocurrency in May back accompaniment admiral vowed to barrier the crypto mining business in the country, with absolute bans activated in assertive provinces. The account beatific Bitcoin and the added crypto bazaar tumbling, as China hosted the majority of the Bitcoin hashrate at that time (following the ban, abounding miners relocated their operations to places like Texas and Kazakhstan).

Following on in June, China’s axial coffer called for a crypto trading ban in the country, prohibiting its annual holders from interacting with crypto trading platforms. Although the advertisement was after removed, abounding saw the autograph on the wall, assured added acute measures from the Chinese government in the future.

The Chinese government common its crypto crackdowns for a third time this year in September, declaring that about all basic currency-related activities were actionable and arising harsher penalties for those begin active in crypto trading and mining. As before, the bazaar reacted abnormally to the news, but by this point abounding had started to doubtable China was accomplishment abrogating news, or “FUD” (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) to advisedly abase crypto asset prices. So far, China’s crypto bans arise to accept had little abiding aftereffect on the crypto industry as a whole. TC

NFT Summer 

Bitcoin ability still be the world’s best accepted cryptocurrency, but this year the boilerplate couldn’t stop talking about addition added contempo addition in blockchain technology: NFTs. Early in 2024, there was Beeple’s celebrated Christie’s sale, while above pop artists like Grimes and Kings of Leon arise their own collections of non-fungibles on Ethereum. As NFTs started to arise everywhere, so did the ambiguous criticisms from crypto skeptics. Still, NFT citizenry didn’t assume to care. By the average of the year, NFT trading volumes were booming, helped by growing appeal for avatar collections like CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club. The absorption in avatar projects and added beginning niches like abundant art kickstarted what became accepted as “NFT summer,” a follow-on from aftermost year’s DeFi summer in which the NFT bazaar entered its aboriginal aeon of mania. At the height, the rarest JPEGs were trading for millions of dollars, and new projects were arising on a circadian basis. While the bazaar anon got oversaturated and attic prices fell, NFT summer accepted that agenda collectibles had begin a abode at the affection of crypto, and that the amplitude would alone abound bigger over time. CW

Solana’s Meteoric Rise 

“I’ll buy as abundant SOL has you have, appropriate now, at $3. Sell me all you want. Then go fuck off.” Those were Sam Bankman-Fried’s now-legendary words to the crypto banker CoinMamba in a Jan. 9 tweet, months afore Solana would acceleration to become the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by bazaar cap. While best assemblage didn’t buy into Bankman-Fried’s confidence in the accelerated blockchain, they acceptable regretted it already SOL topped $250 at the aiguille in November.

Bankman-Fried has been a huge active force abaft the Solana ecosystem’s accelerated advance through FTX’s abutment of the arrangement and Alameda Research’s advance portfolio, but there were a cardinal of added important factors that contributed to its blemish year. As crypto prices accept risen, Ethereum’s surging gas fees accept apprenticed abounding against cheaper alternativesand Solana’s high-speed, bargain affairs accept accurate a hit.

It’s additionally admiring bags of Rust developers, which has accustomed the blockchain a moat aftereffect adjoin a sea of competitors optimizing for EVM compatibility. Solana additionally has affluent investors abetment it and a association of DeFi and NFT speculators, abounding of them newer crypto entrants acquisitive to accomplish a dime afterwards missing the baiter on Bitcoin and Ethereum. The aggregate of these factors helped Solana acceleration and accumulate rising, alike afterwards it suffered from a not-insignificant 18-hour abeyance aback in September. In the past, crypto has apparent added Ethereum competitors appear and go again achromatize into irrelevance. If things abide like they did in 2024, Solana could be one of the few that bucks the trend. CW

Ethereum Launches EIP-1559 

In August, Ethereum upgraded to a new gas fee apparatus that created a axiological about-face in its budgetary policy. EIP-1559 launched as allotment of the network’s London hardfork, and it alien a gas fee bake that bargain the accumulation of ETH rather than advantageous added fees to miners. 

Before EIP-1559, Ethereum users would accept to abode a bid for gas fees in an bargain architecture to attempt to get their affairs added to blocks. This led to common fee spikes that afflicted users’ adeptness to accomplish transactions. EIP-1559 has fabricated the fee arrangement added anticipated and abiding adjoin appeal shocks. 

However, the best impactful aftereffect of EIP-1559 has centered on Ethereum’s tokenomics. Since EIP-1559 shipped, over 1.2 actor ETH account $5 billion has been austere and put the asset on a deflationary aisle agnate to Bitcoin’s disinflationary properties. In 2022, Ethereum is accepted to move from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake back the Beacon Chain merges with Ethereum mainnet. The about-face should advance to a ample abridgement in badge issuance. Various arresting abstracts accept anticipation that ETH could become “ultrasound money”—meaning the bulk of ETH austere would beat the bulk issued, arch the accumulation to collapse over time. VC

Poly Network’s $611M DeFi Hack

Crypto hacks are annihilation new, but this year brought added high-value attacks, exploits, and rug pulls than anytime before. Many attackers targeted decentralized applications in the beginning DeFi space. The one that bent everyone’s absorption afflicted Poly Network, a cross-chain arch with affairs on Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain.

In August, an alien hacker leveraged a acute arrangement vulnerability in one of its bridges to abduct $611 million in assorted crypto assets, authoritative it the better crypto break-in in history. Outrageously, the hacker absitively to acquaint his ancillary of the adventure to those watching by answering a Q&A altercation application Ethereum affairs afterward the attack. They said that they had attacked the activity “for fun” and afterwards alternate the funds afterwards negotiations with the Poly Network team. The aggregation thanked the hacker, dubbed “Mr. Whitehack” for advertisement the vulnerability, and alike offered them a compensation accolade for their work. VC

El Salvador Makes Bitcoin Legal Tender

Let’s be honest, 2024 wasn’t the best year for crypto naysayers. A accepted altercation amid crypto cynics is that governments would ban the asset chic if it anytime became too big. That altercation absent its weight this year back El Salvador became the aboriginal country to acquaint Bitcoin as a acknowledged currency. 

The crypto association was bashed for weeks afterwards President Nayib Bukele appear his affairs to accomplish Bitcoin a civic bill in El Salvador. Announcing the affairs at Bitcoin 2024 in Miami, Bukele said that he hoped the move would “generate jobs and advice accommodate banking admittance to bags alfresco the academic economy.” Bukele has back organized a $30 Bitcoin airdrop for El Salvador citizens, acclimated the country’s affluence of volcanoes to abundance Bitcoin, and bought the dip at every befalling the bazaar has presented. 

El Salvador’s acceptance was celebrated not alone for Bitcoin but additionally the history of money. For millennia, countries accept acclimated acknowledged breakable laws to assure their own, state-issued currencies adjoin competing, another forms of money. El Salvador bankrupt that attitude as Bukele categorical his hopes to “push humanity, at atomic a tiny bit into the appropriate direction.”

While the crypto association abundantly accustomed El Salvador’s move, the action faced some opposition. Thousands of Salvadorans took to the streets to beef the policy, and admiral like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank issued several statements criticizing the decision. Meanwhile, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin airtight the country’s acceptance action in a Reddit post, anecdotic it as “contrary to the ethics of abandon that are declared to be so important to the crypto community” due to the cardinal that stipulates that businesses charge acquire Bitcoin. How El Salvador’s crypto bet will pan out in the continued term—and whether any added nation states will accompany them—remains to be seen. SS

Facebook Rebrands to Meta 

If addition had told you that 2021 would see one of the FAANG giants change its name and focus to accomplish in a branch affiliated with crypto assets at the alpha of the year, you apparently would accept laughed at them. Except, that actually happened. In October, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg appear that his aggregation would now be accepted as Meta, activity as far as to say that the aggregation would be “Metaverse first” rather than “Facebook first.” The close additionally allocated $10 billion against the Metaverse and fabricated 10,000 new hires in the European Union to assignment on its new eyes for the approaching of the Internet. 

The advertisement was met with skepticism from cryptocurrency proponents, who acicular out that the analytical basic of decentraliztion would acceptable be missing from Meta’s plans. Still, the appulse of Facebook putting its banderole in the arena to accede the abeyant of crypto has been adamantine to overlook. Since the announcement, abounding added above brands like Adidas and Nike accept rushed to embrace the Metaverse. Capital has additionally abounding into the space, with the brand of Enjin and KuCoin ablution $100 actor funds absorption on the Metaverse. The crypto bazaar has apparent the tokens for Metaverse amateur like Metaverse and The Sandbox soar, while agenda plots of acreage accept awash for millions of dollars (Adidas and added above brands accept been snapping up plots too). While the Metaverse is yet to be defined, it’s become bright that it’s become a ascendant affair in crypto and will acceptable alone abound over time. Grayscale has predicted that the Metaverse will be a $1 abundance market, so it’s not hasty that the brand of Zuckerberg are acquisitive to jump in. Time will acquaint how it pans out. BB

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the authors of this affection endemic BTC, ETH, MATIC, SOL, and several added cryptocurrencies.