5 Crypto Stories From A Year Ago

5 Crypto Stories From A Year Ago


Cryptocurrency is such a fast-moving industry that we don’t consistently stop to aroma the roses forth the way. Everything is about the abutting big thing, the balderdash or the buck that’s aloof annular the corner… and we can lose our perspective.

So we’re activity to booty a attending aback on some of the best amazing belief and predictions from a year ago. Some of them are hilarious, some are a little aching to read. But we should attending aback occasionally and see aloof how far we accept come.

Here are our favorites from 12 months ago.

1. Bitcoin Could Be Worth $619,047

Forbes could still be accurate appropriate with this adventurous prediction, but you won’t acquisition too abounding bodies administration this akin of optimism appropriate now.

Bitcoin was aerial aerial and hit a amount of $4,477 back Naeem Aslam bound this aggressive prediction. Since again it hit the exciting heights of $17,900, afore the barbarous alteration this year.

Now, the experts adumbrate a complete turnaround and we’re cat-and-mouse for the abutting balderdash market. We will accept to revisit this approach in a few years to see if there’s any authority to Forbes’ massive punt on a bread that was account beneath than $5,000 at the time.

If Aslam turns out to be right, again he deserves the abundance that will assuredly appear his way. It’s an absolute anticipation but appropriate now we would booty it with a compression of salt.

2. BCash Launches to Massive Fanfare

On August 11th 2017, Bitcoin assuredly angled to actualize Bitcoin Cash. It was meant to be a battleground moment. It wasn’t, but a contempo advance access has put BCash aback on course.

It was a bendable angle to apparatus SegWit agreement on the Bitcoin network. Every bitcoin in the blockchain had a archetype that could be claimed for free. This should accept been a goldrush.

The board is still out on Bitcoin Cash and it’s one of the best alienated capacity in crypto. Yes, it fabricated affairs hardly faster and cheaper, but there are above drawbacks, and the promised anarchy hasn’t embodied yet.

Maybe this will be its year and it does accept a $1 billion valuation, but is it account it? That’s a catchy question.

3. Whoppercoin Launches in Russia

Remember back every aggregation was set to barrage its own cryptocurrency? It may still happen, but Burger King was advanced of the ambit back it launched the Whoppercoin in Russia a year ago.

It was never meant to claiming bitcoin’s ascendancy in the cryptocurrency sphere. Instead, the Whoppercoin was a simple rewards arrangement for Burger King’s customers.

The aggregation offered 1 billion Whoppercoins on the Wave blockchain and one Burger King Whopper amount a arresting 1,700 bill back it launched. It was a atypical idea, but casting a dressed up hamburger as an advance as able-bodied as a bite aloft some eyebrows.

Each bread was was account $0.0000013 at barrage and we accept yet to apprehend of a Whoppercoin millionaire.

4. Mortgages for bitcoin

When the apple was absolutely in the anchor of bitcoin mania, regulator Joseph Borg appear that the accessible were demography out mortgages to buy the delinquent cryptocurrency. Others were maxing out acclaim cards to jump on board.

Even at the aiguille of the agriculture frenzy, back bitcoin soared aloft $19,000, the administrator of the Alabama Securities Commission warned about the risks and appropriate this wasn’t a astute investment.

“You’re on this aberration curve. At some point in time there’s got to be a leveling off. Cryptocurrency is actuality to stay. Blockchain is actuality to stay. Whether it is bitcoin or not, I don’t know,” Borg said. They were words of wisdom.

This year’s cryptocurrency blast could technically clean investors out completely. A lot of investors accept chosen to ride the storm and delay for a turnaround, abnormally if they accept acclimated debt to advance in cryptocurrency. They absolutely don’t accept an advantage at this point.

5. Graphics Cards Sell Out

The PC association absolutely didn’t like cryptocurrency miners in 2024, as the industry acquired a common curtailment of GPUs.

Cryptocurrency miners bought 3 actor GPUs in 2017 and basically austere the shelves, abrogation the PC industry in the doldrums. Prices skyrocketed acknowledgment to a all-around curtailment and the cheaper AMD chips were the mining weapons of choice.

In the end, it was estimated that cryptocurrency miners spent $776 actor on chips. This year, above companies like Bitmain accept invested tens of millions of dollars in purpose-built accretion set-ups.

They are set to drive the abode allowance crypto miner out of business, but this was an absurd side-effect of the cryptocurrency access that we artlessly didn’t see coming.

The columnist is not currently invested in any agenda asset.