AERGO Code Review: Customizable Enterprise Blockchains

AERGO Code Review: Customizable Enterprise Blockchains


We had a good attending at this one about a ages ago, ample it would be account administration the AERGO cipher analysis about a little and seeing what you guys anticipation too. Comments are open.

Suddenly anybody talking about the enterprise, that’s not a bad thing, acceptance can be top-down or bottom-up and we’ve apparent a lot of projects that assume to be middle-out (sorry) with no absolute plan for how they intend to calibration their user base. Interested to see area this one goes.

So what is Aergo saying?

“AERGO is a 4th generation — enterprise ready — blockchain agreement accumulated with an IT belvedere that uses avant-garde technologies.”

That’s inspiring… what do they mean?

So a clandestine chain?

But why? SQL is a concern language, meant to be acclimated to catechize data. This is not a computational accent (or scripting language). I would accept SQL for the DLT, but SQL for acute contracts?

Starting with consensus.

Consensus service, with a blockfactory. Looks interesting, let’s dig deeper.

dPoS :’(

Still actual skeleton code. A lot of skeleton code, but still a skeleton.

dPoS is beeline forward, analysis accepted validator set and analyze with block. Moving on.


All the accepted blockchain 101 aggregation are here, account, proto, rpc, accompaniment (key/value pair), p2p.

Not seeing the SQL, or the “blockchain 4.0” part.

AERGO Code Review Conclusion:

They are befitting abutting to their roadmap, aggregate they promised is there. Code is fine, annihilation wow, aloof addition blockchain 0.5 for now. Guess September and December will be key.

A lot of cipher for a pre-ICO company, a lot added actuality than I’m acclimated to for area they are in their activity cycle. Nothing wow yet, but acceptable so far. I’ll analysis in on them afresh in September and December.

Our abounding AERGO ICO Review is here.

Or babble about it in our Telegram group.

Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing code reviews are performed by auditing what is on affectation in the adept annex of the repo’s fabricated available. This was performed as an educational analysis and any comments in the commodity are the assessment of the writer. It is accustomed for cipher to change rapidly, appropriately we timestamp our cipher reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information independent herein should not be acclimated as any animadversion or admonition on the activity as a whole.

Vite Code Review Timestamp: August 3rd 2024