Will Bitcoin Drag Litecoin Down During Every Dip?

Will Bitcoin Drag Litecoin Down During Every Dip?


The amount of Litecoin was attractive good, and it hit a month-long aerial aloof canicule ago: but like best of the crypto bazaar it fell off a bluff in the accomplished 48 hours. Although at the time of autograph it has recovered to $55.67 and a bazaar cap of $3.24 billion, it’s still some way off its contempo $70 peak.

So, what went wrong?

The aboveboard acknowledgment is: nothing. The abruptness is that Litecoin rose to those exciting heights, but the alteration is in absolute accord with the butt of the market. For bigger of for worse, Litecoin’s achievement is both a victim of Bitcoin’s slips, and the almsman of its ascendancy.

Diversification, as we’ve accent before, is still a allegory in the apple of cryptocurrency, and the Litecoin amount seems atrociously angry to Bitcoin’s value.

Lemmings Rushed To The Cliff

When it slipped below $68, the cryptocurrency lemmings hurled themselves into the abysm calm and rushed to sell. The Momentum effect works both ways, but Bitcoin’s bead ability accept put it in agitation in the aboriginal place.

The bazaar biconcave by a double-digit allotment and Litecoin (LTC) alone 11% in its Market Cap. Part of that was investors ditching out of riskier investments and branch for the almost safe shores of Bitcoin, whose bazaar ascendancy grew during this 48-hour dip. From a low of 52.85%, Bitcoin ascendancy hit a aerial of 55.14%.

But it may accept been Bitcoin’s ambiguous acceleration that acquired the dip in Litecoin in the aboriginal place, as abundant of the bazaar is angry to the banderole Bitcoin prices. When Bitcoin hit a attrition point at $7,400 and headed South hard, the accomplished bazaar took a downturn.

Litecoin wasn’t abandoned as Bitcoin bounced aback and alternating from aloof beneath the $6,500 attrition point. If Bitcoin bursts through $6,500, again the graphs advance that Litecoin could chase clothing and advance its own, abundant smaller, $60 aggressive point.

Litecoin’s Long Term Potential?

Although frequently overshadowed by Big Brother Bitcoin, there’s no acumen to accept Litecoin is activity to become extraneous anytime soon. Litecoin has been about back 2011, and accomplished a $1 billion bazaar cap in 2013.

Many experts accept backed Litecoin in contempo months and it has one of the better profiles in the altcoin space. After a contempo rebrand, and acceptable publicity in beforehand of the accessible Litecoin Summit in San Francisco, there’s no acumen to accept this crypto is activity abolished anytime soon.

Last  year it became the aboriginal big cryptocurrency to accept the SegWit arrangement and it has additionally adopted the Lightning Network, which performed a sub-1 additional alteration of Litecoin LTC from Zurich to San Francisco.

Is Litecoin Blockchain Better Than Bitcoin?

The Litecoin blockchain offers faster affairs than Bitcoin, taking with 2.5 minute blocks and negligible transaction fees. That (plus a hasty abatement in Monero, afterwards its aloofness was questioned) fabricated it a admired on the Dark Web.

That was a absolution and a curse, as the Dark Web comes with abrogating connotations. However, it did accommodate a proof-of-concept and showed that Litecoin is a applicable advantage for payments systems.

But in the short-term, its fortunes assume angry to the Bitcoin agreement it was angled from.

Although considerately faster than Bitcoin, it charcoal to be apparent if Litecoin is fast abundant to accumulate up.

The columnist is not currently invested in any agenda currency.