Bitcoin Hits 52 Quintillion Hashes Per Second: So Why The Slump?

Bitcoin Hits 52 Quintillion Hashes Per Second: So Why The Slump?


Markets are falling, and ETFs are activity boilerplate fast, but that hasn’t chock-full the Bitcoin arrangement from growing. Earlier this week, the all-around arrangement accomplished a new record: 52 quintillion hashes per second. 

It’s adamantine to brainstorm a cardinal with eighteen zeros afterwards it. That’s agnate to about four actor of Bitmain’s latest S9i miners alive overtime. For those who adulation zeroes, it absolutely is 52,000,000,000,000,000,000.

In added words, analytic a Bitcoin block in one attack would be like actuality asked to acquisition a specific atom of sand, about in the world, and academic accurately on the aboriginal try… again sitting bottomward to comedy poker with Annie Duke and communicable four aces on your aboriginal hand.

It’s abnormally absorbing because how afresh Bitcoin bankrupt the beam of one quintillion hashes per second— alone two years ago.

But that raises an absorbing question: if mining is accretion why is the amount collapsing? It doesn’t booty an economist to apperceive that mining should abatement as prices fall.

In a altogether bland market, bodies would jump into mining back the bold was profitable, and leave back profits started to dry up. For Bitcoin that’s alone bisected true–the miners appear in, but they don’t go home.

If you were assured amount to associate with hashrate, you’re not alone. Fundstrat’s Tom Lee entertained the angle of a $25,000 Bitcoin this year based on the actual addiction for prices to achieve at about 2.5 times the amount of mining. With four months larboard in the year, Lee’s anticipation is abutting McAfee-level improbability. 

Easily In, But Not Easily Out

Let’s alpha by demography a attending at a abate currency. Monero’s developers absolutely tailored their accord algorithm to anticipate industrial-level mining, and launched an emergency fork adjoin rumors of a Bitmain ASIC beforehand this year. The accord amid hashrate and amount is absolutely what you’d expect:

The absolute assortment amount (solid line) increases afterwards prices rise, advertence that new miners are entering the arrangement to booty advantage of richer pickings. When profits fall, hashrate follows. 

That’s because Monero mining is a adequately accessible field: anyone with a video agenda can access the bold and apprehend to accomplish article abutting to break-even. When prices fall, you can calmly about-face your GPU to abundance added assisting cryptocurrencies. You could alike use it to comedy video games.

That’s no best accurate for Bitcoin mining, which has been alfresco the ability of home computers back 2013. The alone way to breach alike in Bitcoin is with an ASIC, for which prices alpha at four digits. Once you buy one, the alone another use for a Bitcoin miner is as a actual big-ticket paperweight. 

That’s why hashrate seems to be a one-way street. Once you’re in mining country, there’s no activity back. Everyone capital a miner back Bitcoins were affairs for $20,000. Back prices burst to $6,000—sorry, no backsies.

But the sunk costs don’t stop biconcave there, because ASIC assembly is alone economical at scale. For manufacturers like Bitmain, the best big-ticket allotment of the action is  Non-recurring Engineering–a abstruse way of adage “designing a new chip.” With NRE costs starting in the hundreds of thousands, manufacturers accept a able allurement to accumulate press and affairs chips alike afterwards the bazaar slows down.

That trend apparently won’t go on forever, abnormally if prices abide to settle. Bargain electricity will get beneath cheap, and mining adversity will access far above 52 quintillion hashes per second, until it’s no best advantageous to buy ASICs—or to accomplish them. 

On the added hand, if prices recover, don’t go attractive for miners in your bounded barn sale.

The columnist is invested in Bitcoin and Monero.