Bitcoin Price Analysis BTC / USD: $13,000 Rat Poison

Bitcoin Price Analysis BTC / USD: $13,000 Rat Poison

THELOGICALINDIAN - Everything is overheated but if it stabilizes we could see alike added gains

Bitcoin / USD Short-term amount analysis

Bitcoin has a bullish concise trading outlook, with the BTC / USD brace advancing to its accomplished trading akin back June 2024 and spiking aloof shy of $13,000.

The four-hour time anatomy is assuming that the BTC / USD brace has continued able-bodied above the bullish ambition of the invalidated arch and amateur pattern.

Key abstruse attrition on the mentioned time anatomy is currently amid at the $13,000 and $13,500 levels.

Technical indicators on four-hour time anatomy are now trading in acute overbought conditions.


Pattern Watch

Short-term traders should be alert that a above bullish blemish has occurred on the circadian time frame. 

Relative Strength Index

The Relative Strength indicator on the four-hour time anatomy is additionally acutely overbought.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator on the four-hour time anatomy is still bullish, although it is acutely overbought.

Bitcoin / USD Medium-term amount analysis

Bitcoin has an more bullish medium-term outlook, with the BTC / USD brace assuming a above abstruse blemish on the circadian time frame.

The circadian time anatomy is assuming that a ample astern arch and amateur arrangement has been triggered, with the neckline of the bullish arrangement amid about the $11,800 level.

Key accessible abstruse attrition on the circadian time anatomy is currently begin at the $16,000 and $18,500 levels.

Technical indicators on the circadian time anatomy abide bullish and are still breeding a able buy signal.

Pattern Watch

Traders should adviser circadian amount closes aloft the $11,800 akin for abstruse acceptance that the contempo bullish blemish is in actuality genuine.

Relative Strength Index

The Relative Strength indicator on the circadian time anatomy is still bullish, although it is now acutely overbought.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator on the circadian time anatomy is bullish and continues to affair a able buy signal.


Bitcoin has performed yet addition above abstruse blemish on the circadian time frame, sending the cardinal one cryptocurrency to levels not apparent back January 2024.

The circadian time anatomy shows that beasts may alpha to ambition appear the $16,000 and $18,500 levels if the BTC / USD brace can abide to authority amount aloft the alarmingly important $11,800 level.

If this continues, Warren Buffett’s cafeteria with Justin Sun is activity to get messy.

Bitcoin was the aboriginal of our bread guides, and is additionally our highest-rated abysmal analysis project.