Dexon Code Review: dApp Blockchain Platform

Dexon Code Review: dApp Blockchain Platform


Dexon Code Review – sounds like an oil company, but no! Surprise, it’s the ‘premier blockchain belvedere for developing dApps’. Might be account to a few added platforms, but sure, let’s go with that.

By the way, Dapps? dApps? DApps? D’apps? (I fabricated the aftermost one up, but again, why not?) I anticipate we should all aloof accede to alarm them supercallifragilisticdistributedapplications and be done with it.

So what’s the pitch: “DApps accumulation acceptance is fabricated accessible with DEXON’s always scalable, low-latency, and energy-efficient blocklattice technology.”

Infinitely scalable. Why are bodies still application this term? There is no such thing. We don’t alike apperceive if the cosmos is infinite, or inflationary.

Overly simplified, Dexon is a transaction DAG with advertisement BFT. This works back you accept a baby set of BFT nodes, and all are known.

Dexon provided us with their simulation code, let’s accept a look.

We alpha with simulation and simulation config.

Total adjustment voted on, (I’m bold voted, I haven’t apparent the cipher yet).

Validator, not yet abiding how adopted or setup.

Consensus needs acquaintance of the governance, db, and arrangement overlay.

This is our access point. We bureaucracy a validator account and a arrangement model.

Each bulge is a validator?

Servers that advance a associate list.

For now, let’s attending at localTCP simulation.

Create a account of NewTCPNetwork (with a defined PeerServer), true, PeerServer, networkModel, alpha the network, and add a new validator. All participants in this simulation is a validator.

NewTCPNetwork, bounded = true, peerServer = cfg, archetypal = NormalNetwork?

http communication,

Broadcast out a block to all accepted validators

Broadcast vote to all accepted validators. This is done synchronously, could accretion some acceleration by activity async.

Using protobuff for blocks. ETH crypto libraries. Leveldb.

Prepare / ACK / Commit, accepted BFT?

Yeah, accepted BFT.

Chain absorption congenital in, application aforementioned advertisement BFT to choose, it’s cool.

Leader alternative congenital in.

Reliable broadcast, application aforementioned filigree anatomy for block ACK’s.

Dexon Code Review Conclusion:

So, it’s acceptable cipher (even if it is a simulation), able-bodied developed, neatly written, abundant documentation. Easy to follow. But, it’s aloof addition DAG with validator BFT. All validators accept to be known. Some air-conditioned things in here, I like reliable broadcast, I like absolute ordering, I like the way they pushed BFT into the acceding state. It’s cool. But, it’s aloof addition BlockDAG BFT.

Validators can vote semi apart and accelerate their ack’s into their filigree and again allotment this filigree continuously.

How are they accepting absolute scalability or alike sub additional finality, I don’t know, as this arrangement grows that will change, or the validators charge abide constant. You can’t accept both. You can calibration with bulge participation, but again advancement takes best (even with BFT), or you can accumulate a low validator subset and low finality, but again you can’t calibration “infinitely”.

The arrangement admeasurement vs throughput altercation remains. Do you accelerate out 100 baby blocks and accept 100 nodes charge to affirm them? Or do you accelerate out 1 big block and accept 100 nodes affirm it?

The one has a lot college arrangement aerial with letters actuality transmitted amid nodes. And appropriately far we accept no allusive tests to alike see the throughput and certitude difference.

You can babble about Dexon in our Telegram group.

Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing code reviews are performed by auditing what is on affectation in the adept annex of the repo’s fabricated available. This was performed as an educational analysis and any comments in the commodity are the assessment of the writer. It is accustomed for cipher to change rapidly, appropriately we timestamp our cipher reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information independent herein should not be acclimated as any animadversion or admonition on the activity as a whole.

Dexon Code Review Timestamp: November 18th 2024