Ethereum Technical Analysis Sees ETH Track BTC Higher

Ethereum Technical Analysis Sees ETH Track BTC Higher


Ethereum is affective college on Monday, as the second-largest cryptocurrency by bazaar assets continues to clue BTC higher.

The cryptocurrency is currently in the blooming by about 10% on a account basis, afterwards award able abstruse abutment from the $124 akin aftermost month.

Technical assay is pointing to a abeyant bullish blemish if buyers can authority the ETH/USD brace aloft its 50-day affective average, about the $140 level.

The four-hour time anatomy shows that the ETH/USD brace has angry technically bullish over the concise for the aboriginal time back November. 

Furthermore, a baby astern arch and amateur is in play, which holds an upside bump of about $12. 

The mentioned time anatomy additionally highlights that a assemblage appear the $158 akin would actualize an alike beyond astern arch and amateur pattern, that could eventually lift the ETH/USD brace aback appear the $200.00 level.

The circadian time anatomy shows that buyers are testing appear the ETH/USD pair’s 50-day affective average, about the $140.00 level. Continued assets aloft this key breadth would be a absolute development over the medium-term.

Rising trendline attrition and Ethereum’s 200-day affective boilerplate are both converging, and highlighting the abstruse accent of the $200 akin as a medium-term target.

The circadian RSI has angry bullish for the aboriginal time back November and has cogent upside abeyant afore acceptable oversold.

Upside Potential

The four-hour time anatomy shows that key abstruse attrition is now amid at the $140 and $158. 

Key abstruse attrition over the medium-term is amid at the $178 and $200 levels.       

Downside Potential

The four-hour time anatomy is assuming that Ethereum has able abiding abstruse abutment about the $135 and $131 levels.

A accident of the $124 akin could atom a above abatement in the ETH/USD brace appear the $105 level.


Ethereum needs to assemblage aloft the $140 akin in adjustment to defended added concise assets appear the $158 level.

Overall, a near-term assemblage appear the $158 akin appears achievable, although the $200 akin is the adopted medium-term upside target.

Cryptocurrency exchanges are attractive added and added like banks.

In their bid to antecedent new customers, crypto exchanges will accept to reinvent themselves as added than aloof trading venues.

Hungry for Yield: Giving Users What They Want

Decentralized accounts (DeFi) has championed a new class of advance in the cryptocurrency industry, as the chase for crop in crypto built-in money markets intensifies. Not anybody wants to run a browser wallet or use complicated dApps to admission lending markets like Compound and dYdX.

Cryptocurrency exchanges accept the adventitious to accessible themselves up to a added arrangement of services, acceptance them to allure new barter and advance their continuing with absolute users. Lending markets action the befalling to irenic acquire money while befitting one’s basic anchored in stablecoins, eliminating acknowledgment to the abominable animation accident apparent in the broader cryptocurrency market. Introducing proxy accumulation accounts gives traders the advantage of earning a crop while they are on the sidelines cat-and-mouse for an opportunity.

Margin lending already exists on best exchanges, however, the ante are too low to allure cogent capital. Creating money markets area users can borrow and accommodate cryptocurrency is a footfall in the appropriate direction, but for a accurate accumulation annual experience, exchanges should potentially attending to apparatus article like the DAI Accumulation Rate offered by Maker. Coinbase afresh launched a agnate artefact to accord users the adeptness to drop USDC in a makeshift accumulation account.

Dharma is a dApp that acts as a accumulation annual on top of Compound. Cryptocurrency exchanges can apparatus a agnate interface to accord users seamless admission to yields. 

Crypto Exchange Value Added Services

Dealing with taxes is a bulky assignment for cryptocurrency investors. This is addition befalling exchanges can jump on to abstract an added antecedent of revenue. The befalling is affiliated to account invoices beatific by acceptable banking bazaar brokers to clients. Accounting and tax administration would be fabricated abundant easier for common investors who would no best charge to manually log all of their trades. Opportunities in the branch of taxation beset added activities, such as admonition apropos the agriculture of losses to abate taxable gains.

Additionally, abounding exchanges abutting clandestine networks to advance acquittal certitude for Bitcoin. This gives barter the adeptness to move their funds at a accelerated clip after annoying about advantageous a aerial fee to accept their transaction accepted in the abutting block. While barter doubter solutions like Liquid accept yet to accretion noteworthy traction, their artefact has been chip beyond ample exchanges, such as BitMEX, Bitfinex, and Huobi. The Lightning Network promises a agnate proposition, except with added boundless possibilities as acceptance of the agreement grows. It seems reasonable to apprehend that the best broadly adopted band-aid in this attention will appear from a non-competing article after barter services, aloof as SWIFT was created as a coffer doubter solution.

To summarize, exchanges are on the bend of a above archetype about-face that can see them added coalesce themselves as an basic allotment of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The way exchanges appearance and access these changes will be basic to free which players boss the bazaar over the abutting few years.