Horizen Labs Raises $4M In Seed Funding Led by Digital Currency Group

Horizen Labs Raises $4M In Seed Funding Led by Digital Currency Group

THELOGICALINDIAN - The activity is developing fast defended sidechain solutions for action applications

Horizen Labs, a blockchain tech aggregation which builds DLT sidechain solutions, has aloof appear the achievement of its berry allotment round.  Led by Digital Currency Group (DCG) Liberty City Ventures, and absolute investors, Horizen was able to accession over $4 actor in capital, alert as abundant as the startup had hoped for.

Horizen aims to action blockchain enhancements to companies gluttonous to advantage DLT after months of development or breaking the bank.

“We accept apparent ample appeal from barter and businesses for custom blockchain solutions that are not big-ticket and time-consuming to build,” said Horizen Labs CeO Robert Viglione. “Through Horizen Labs’ proprietary Sidechain-as-a-Service platform, we aim to let companies account from the high-level aegis of Horizen, a privacy-focused blockchain belvedere with the better bulge arrangement in the industry.”

Horizen will accommodate Sidechain-as-a-Service articles to enterprises aiming to either apparatus or advancement their blockchain operations. Horizen’s new stakeholders at Digital Currency Group see the alms as a arch to added adoption, by abandoning barriers to access for businesses in the blockchain space.

Barry Silbert, Founder and CEO of Digital Currency Group, said:

“Horizen Labs provides a seamless way for businesses to absorb customized agenda balance technology into their operations, removing a cogent barrier to blockchain acceptance and advancing the industry as a whole.”

Offchain and sidechain protocols, like those offered by Horizen Labs are acceptable more accustomed as accepted blockchain networks attending to calibration advancement for accumulation adoption. With the latest advance from Digital Currency Group, blockchain companies are advancing the basement for boundless use.

Mobile trading app Quantfury will now abutment trades in Qtum, as able-bodied as added cryptocurrencies, equities and commodities.

Qtum, a blockchain badge for dApps and acute contracts, is now accessible for trading on Quantfury, a adaptable trading app acknowledging several cryptocurrencies and added advance assets.

According to a collective announcement, Quantfury offers assets at exchanges’ best bid and ask prices with no commissions, advantage fees, or maker and bacteria fees. Instead, Quantfury uses its own trading strategies by leveraging apparatus acquirements software and allegory user data.

According to an official Qtum blog account, the latest accession will acquiesce users to advantage their cryptocurrency to advance in assets which would contrarily be harder to acquire.

“Traditionally, you’d accept to armamentarium accounts with specific authorization currencies in adjustment to barter stocks and these forms of trading banking assets generally appear with all sorts of fees, some hidden and at adapted prices,” Qtum said in a blog post. “With this collaboration, users accept the advantage to buy stocks like Tesla (TSLA), Amazon (AMZN), or Apple (AAPL) instantly with dollar funds, application their Qtum tokens as collateral.”

Qtum sees the advertisement on Quantfury as an important footfall to bringing QTUM to the beyond crypto community, and extending accessibility for accepted badge holders.

“We accepted our association has been attractive for bland admission to all-around markets,” said Miguel Palencia, CIO of the Qtum Foundation, “and we knew Quantfury, a belvedere acclaimed for transparency, affluence of use, and defective of fees of any kind, would be appropriate for them.” 

According to its website, Quantfury has a user abject extending to over 40 countries, with account trading aggregate aloft $158 million. The latest accession will accompany clamminess and bazaar acknowledgment both ways. Of the latest arrival, Quantfury CEO Gregory Kim said:

“By accepting accurate cryptocurrencies and their corresponding association members, we’re advancing our ambition of architecture the acute links amid the acceptable and avant-garde banking worlds.”

In accession to cryptocurrencies, Quantfury additionally allows trades in 612 mid- and large-cap equities, as able-bodied as accustomed gas, awkward oil, gold, platinum and added commodities.