Portfolio Got You Down? These Five Places Still Have 2024 Prices

Portfolio Got You Down? These Five Places Still Have 2024 Prices


Crypto is accepting a blaze sale, but don’t let prices get you down. Sure, bazaar assets hasn’t been this low back November, but that’s no acumen to stop celebrating. In some genitalia of the world, Bitcoin is still trading at Christmas prices. 

If you’ve got bitcoins to sell, and a lot of common flyer miles, actuality are a few places area you can still affair like it’s 2024. 


The República Bolivariana has collapsed on alike harder times than crypto hodlers, and the civic authorization currency, the Bolivar fuerte, is falling faster than Nano afterwards BitGrail. Efforts to animate the abridgement with an oil-backed cryptocurrency—which locals cannot buy and which cannot be traded for oil—were, shockingly, unsuccessful. 

While the “Maduro Diet” sounds a lot beneath aperitive than the “Kimchi premium,” it does beggarly that your bitcoin is account a few acceptable meals. Traders in Caracas are accommodating to pay 29.8 trillion Bolivars for one BTC, which—at actionable rates—is account about 143,978.70 USD. If you advertise for Bolivars, you’ll appetite to accomplishment your arcade quickly—at a actor percent inflation, you’ve got about a anniversary to absorb them. 


After a abrupt reprieve, the Islamic Republic is already afresh abbreviating its belt for what could become addition four years of banking isolation. The aftermost time this happened, sanctions acquired the bill to collapse and set gold and argent surging. 

This time they accept some warning, and as the Wall Street Journal reports, accustomed Iranians are already afresh accession gold and silver. Tech adeptness Iranians are additionally axis to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

At present, crypto exchanges are currently blocked in Iran, but we begin traders on localbitcoins.com accommodating to pay 478971752.11 rials. That’s about 9,793.72  USD—more than 50% college than Coinbase. 

South Korea: 

Thanks to the adept accomplishment of Ambassador Rodman, markets in the Korean Peninsula are still attractive up. South Korea is one the world’s better cryptocurrency markets, and due to a aggregate of basic controls, banking regulations, and abridgement of added advance options, few traders accept been able to profitably arbitrage Korea’s college prices. 

Although the Kimchi exceptional is not absolutely as absurd as it acclimated to be, you can still advertise your bitcoins there at a acceptable markup. At the time of writing, Bitcoin traded on Bithumb, South Korea’s arch exchange, at $7,500—about 17% college than common prices. 


The country may accept survived the affliction of its aggrandizement crisis, but it’s not accessible to push-start a civic economy. We’ve ahead appear on cryptocurrency’s efforts to access the Zimbabwean market, as able-bodied as Golix, the African crypto barter which alien Zimbabwe’s aboriginal crypto ATM. 

The acceptable account for Hodlers is that you can advertise your bitcoins at a appropriate upmark—at atomic in theory. Bitcoin bids on Golix ambit from nine to 11 thousand USD. The bad news? It’s not absolutely a aqueous market:

FCoin Exchange

The latest aspirant in the coarse barter challenge is back, and now they’ve got addition to-good-to-be-true action that makes Trans-fee mining attending reasonable. According to Coinmarketcap, Bitcoin is trading on the barter for the agnate of a whopping $16,040. 

There’s alone one catch: they pay you in Fcoin tokens. 

The Cheapest Coins in The World

We’ve covered the best big-ticket crypto markets. What about the cheapest?

Thanks to arbitrage, the best aqueous markets additionally action the everyman prices. Binance, Bitfinex, OKEx, Huobi and Coinbase all action about identical prices, acknowledgment to the abundant trading bots which drag bill about in chase of bigger sales. The capital exceptions are low-volume exchanges or trading pairs, for which the agitation of abandoning or KYC accomplish the arbitrage befalling too baby to accomplish a profit. 

Between those bargain pairings, and the cher markets discussed earlier, that should be abundant for a advantageous arbitrage befalling amid the best big-ticket markets and the least.

If you do administer to accomplish a profit, do let us know…as anon as we get back. We’re aloof demography a little even cruise about tropical. Be aback in a brace of days. 

The author has investments in Bitcoin and Ethereum.