Ripple CEO Takes Aim At Bitcoin During World Economic Forum

Ripple CEO Takes Aim At Bitcoin During World Economic Forum


Brad Garlinghouse may be a Bitcoin hodler, but he’s no fan of the technology abaft the world’s top cryptocurrency. At a console of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the Ripple CEO alleged out several problems with Bitcoin and the blockchain industry as a whole.

The twenty-six minute console can be watched in full, here.

Bitcoin’s “Significant Limitations”

During the panel, Garlinghouse accent the limitations of Bitcoin technology, as compared to the acceleration and ability of the XRP asset.

“The continued appellation amount of any agenda asset will be acquired from the account it delivers,” Garlinghouse said. “If you booty Bitcoin as it exists today, the scalability problems, affidavit of assignment as a archetypal has some real, real, cogent limitations.”

However, Garlinghouse shied at the aftermost fence, acknowledging that Bitcoin’s problems could be affected by able developers. “I’m not able to say Bitcoin goes to zero,” he said, agreement his attitude amid the added alert of the panel’s members. 

Blockchain a “great technology in chase of a problem”

Garlinghouse kept battlefront throughout the panel, with a few shots at the advertising surrounding blockchain technology:

Silicon Valley deserves the appraisal it gets. Oftentimes you accept a abundant technology in chase of a botheration instead of a botheration in chase of a abundant technology. That’s acutely the case in the blockchain space…

The CEO acicular at the array of industry participants which ascertain themselves as “blockchain” or “crypto” companies, as able-bodied as the cardinal of tokens with no bright utility.

By contrast, Garlinghouse said, Ripple has consistently apparent itself as a “payments” company, one that could use the ability of blockchain or tokens but does not depend on them.

Unlike best companies in the apple of DLT, Ripple’s business archetypal does not depend on application cryptocurrency, alike admitting XRP abstracts in some of the company’s products. “We use blockchain technology to achieve affairs amid banks,” said Garlinghouse. “Some banks aloof do that with fiat.” 

The advancing Internet of Value

For Ripple, the amount botheration to be apparent is the amount of trust, represented by the cardinal of agent third parties in banking transactions. This amount is incurred in acceptable amounts every time money is beatific beyond borders.

“That will change,” said Garlinghouse.  “There will be an Internet of Amount that will acquiesce amount to move the way advice does today.”

Defined as an online ambiance in which users are chargeless to anon barter amount after intermediaries, the Internet of Amount could chargeless up some $10 abundance dollars currently bound up in nostro/vostro accounts, acclimated to facilitate cross-border banking transactions.

To re-wire the acquittal systems, Ripple needs to accompany the weight of the XRP cryptocurrency to bear. But, as the console highlighted, the budgetary amount of cryptocurrencies should not be accustomed too abundant importance. This amount will be artlessly set through the account delivered by the technology basal the cryptos, and in this attention – in Garlinghouse’s appearance – Ripple is alluringly positioned.

Andrew Ancheta contributed writing. 

The columnist has investments in Bitcoin, which is mentioned in this article.