Seele Code Review And Audit - Neural Consensus

Seele Code Review And Audit - Neural Consensus


The Seele Neural Consensus Algorithm has been accepting anybody affronted up for a while, and I’ve performed a Seele cipher analysis afore – but ok people, I get it, you appetite addition one. Please stop allurement now. As you’ll see in the conclusion, I will be befitting my eye on this and there may be added updates on the Seele blockchain to come.

Instead of attractive at the cipher in entirety, we are activity to attending at what did they change back my aftermost review.

Adding some cord functions to levelDB

Added some mini bulge cipher (presumably to accomplish testing easier for them)

Some actuality in abacus ASN.1 (a advice protocol, one I like a lot), and ECIES encryption. Annihilation amazing yet, but accomplish appear improvement. Some RPC, transaction, and block updates, annihilation that isn’t in go-ethereum.

Seele account looked interesting, but no actuality yet. Does attending like they are ambience up for their assorted networks though. How does architecture a multi band p2p arrangement add amount again?

This by the way, has been the majority of changes, alteration bulge to Bulge an levelDB to LevelDB, they absolutely like capitalizing the aboriginal letter.

Added block downloader events.

Sha3Miner added, and Sha3Miner removed.

Ok, starting with their Trie anatomy for nodes, this would be their “forest”, so we are seeing some accomplish appear their implementation.

Saving the accepted accompaniment in the block. The block is the state, this is circadian redundancy, I charge be missing something? So, they are agreeable up extenuative blocks from annual space. Then extenuative the advertence of the annual accompaniment into the blockchain. I don’t apperceive why. Could this acquiesce for assorted blockchains anniversary with their own annual snapshot? Will investigate added on this.

A burden article added to the affairs (making affairs added mutable, but bigger).

Adding the accolade as a transaction in the block. A modification I commonly do as well.

Validating the new block accolade affairs as aboriginal transaction of a active block.

Seele Code Review Conclusion

I admit, they accept fabricated some acceptable improvements, they are starting to body out the skeleton of their idea, but it’s still aloof an idea. Normally the action is abstraction > ancestor > accession funds, I assumption sometimes that aloof isn’t required.

To be clear, none of their concepts accept been accurate and none of them are in any accompaniment of achievement aural the code. For now it’s still aloof a go-ethereum copy, but at atomic they are alive on it and they are authoritative some changes that I like, I’ll accumulate a afterpiece eye on the Seele Team.



Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing cipher reviews are performed by auditing what is on affectation in the adept annex of the repo’s fabricated available. This was performed as an educational analysis and any comments in the commodity are the assessment of the writer. It is accustomed for cipher to change rapidly, appropriately we timestamp our cipher reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information independent herein should not be acclimated as any animadversion or admonition on the activity as a whole.

Seele Code Review Timestamp: April 14th, 2024 at 07:18 GMT