Tezos / USD Technical Analysis: Second Stage Firing

Tezos / USD Technical Analysis: Second Stage Firing

THELOGICALINDIAN - The brace has accomplished its upside ambition but it still looks bullish and could possibly activate a additional run

Tezos / USD Short-term amount analysis

Tezos has bullish concise trading outlook, with the cryptocurrency trading at its accomplished akin back November 16th, 2024.

A bullish blemish aloft a triangle arrangement has occurred on the four-hour time frame, with the arrangement assuming ambit for added upside for the XTZ / USD pair.

Technical indicators on the four-hour time anatomy are pointing college and abide to affair a bullish trading signal.

Pattern Watch

With the triangle blemish in play, the November 16th, 2024 fasten aerial currently offers the arch anatomy of abstruse attrition above.

Relative Strength Index

The RSI indicator charcoal bullish on the four-hour time frame, although it has accomplished overbought territory.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator charcoal bullish on the four-hour time frame, with the MACD arresting band still alms a able buy signal.

Tezos / USD Medium-term amount analysis

Tezos has a bullish medium-term outlook, with XTZ / USD buyers currently authoritative an attack to abutting the circadian candle aloft the above 2024 trading high.

The circadian time anatomy shows that the bullish astern arch and amateur arrangement has accomplished its all-embracing upside objective, with the contempo assemblage in the cryptocurrency extending able-bodied above the pattern’s antecedent target.

Technical indicators beyond the circadian time anatomy are starting to arise overstretched.

Tezos Daily Chart April 15, powered by Trading ViewXTZ / USD Daily Chart by TradingView

Pattern Watch

Traders should agenda that an alike beyond arch and amateur arrangement could anatomy if the XTZ / USD brace moves aloft the November 16th swing-high.

Relative Strength Index

The Relative Strength Index is starting to about-face lower on circadian time frame, with bearish RSI alteration present.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator on the circadian time anatomy is still breeding a buy signal.


Tezos retains a bullish bent over both time horizons, with the circadian time anatomy highlighting that added upside in XTZ / USD brace could actualize an alike beyond bullish pattern.

In the medium-term, the November 16th swing-high is acceptable to actualize able abstruse resistance, while the RSI indicator on the circadian time anatomy is starting to actualize bearish divergence.

Check out our coin guide for Tezos to get a quick overview of the project!