Tolar Code Review HashNET Blockchain

Tolar Code Review HashNET Blockchain


HashNET is the blockchain, Tolar is the cryptocurrency, and although the Tolar cipher analysis actuality is absolutely actual absorbing I feel that maybe my addition isn’t, because it has all the aforementioned agreeable that we’re starting to get acclimated to seeing – scalable, fast, defended etc. etc.

This is not a bad thing, it agency the blockchain association is ambulatory about the concepts that are absolutely activity to advance to boundless adoption, and all antagonism is acceptable antagonism appropriate now.

So here’s their basal pitch, from the website:

“Tolar is an accessible source, association absolute crypto-currency featuring scalable, fast, secure, and fair transactions.”

“HashNET is a scalable, fast, secure, and fair decentralized- above blockchain project, leveraging Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and accord algorithm which keeps all absolute characteristics of a blockchain technology while accretion throughput to added than 200,000 affairs per second. Network is application Proof-of-Stake with masternodes, which eliminates the charge for a massive activity consumption.”

Usual buzzwords. 200k TPS. Proof-of-Stake with masternodes.

Jumping into the whitepaper doesn’t advice much. We accept a new account protocol, what’s amiss with the accepted ones? We accept nodes assigned a weight and a acceptability system. Competition is good, but change is actual good.

Not absolutely seeing what is new actuality or how they are abetment up their claims.

We are accustomed a bastard aiguille at the code, so let’s jump into it.

We accept two sections, we accept some c cipher and we accept some Go code. The C cipher is accomplishing the hasnet work, the Go cipher is accomplishing the networking and bulge setup.

Jumping into the Go cipher first.

Their new push/pull model, a bulge about selects addition and again sends them what the accepted bulge has, if there are discrepancies they get a burden back. Straight forward.

Nothing wow, but annihilation bad, aloof the associate networking.

Here things get interesting, HyperMajority calculates how abounding nodes accept a bright aisle to a specific event. Let’s bound altercate accustomed consensus. We accept and action transactions, if we are blessed with the affairs accustomed and candy we backpack them into a block, we accelerate the block off for accord (PoW we artlessly abundance the block, PoS we accept it voted on to see if majority agrees, dPoS we accept one of the assembly decide).

So then, how can a majority vote be accomplished on an event? When the accident is received, we already apperceive its stake?

In accustomed blockchain design, we ask for accord afterwards we process. In this architecture accord happens as we process. So how is this achieved?

(This is absolutely why they congenital their new Account protocol), allotment of the account agreement is Node stake. That’s why the whitepaper stresses that anniversary Node needs abounding arrangement awareness. As they accept affairs they are about accomplished via the p2p advancement and not absolutely consensus. When abundant Nodes (with abundant Stake) accept accustomed the affairs into their pool, they all accede they like that transaction and they can move on.

Tolar Code Review Conclusion:

Great axiological design, one that I attending advanced to see in the testnet, as anon as it is out. I anticipate it can accomplish a absolute aberration in both certitude and transaction throughput. It does lock them into Proof-of-Stake, back redesigning accord will be a arena up design, but I don’t anticipate that is inherently bad.

All in all, acceptable code, atypical design, aflame to see area this goes.

Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing code reviews are performed by auditing what is on affectation in the adept annex of the repo’s fabricated available. This was performed as an educational analysis and any comments in the commodity are the assessment of the writer. It is accustomed for cipher to change rapidly, appropriately we timestamp our cipher reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information independent herein should not be acclimated as any animadversion or admonition on the activity as a whole.

Tolar Code Review Timestamp: June 8th, 2025 at 09:20 GMT