Tron: Million Dollar Contest for dApp Development

Tron: Million Dollar Contest for dApp Development


It’s buck season, but there’s still money to be had in crypto – if you’re a developer, that is. Tron (TRX) has appear an “accelerator program” to accounts dApp development and body added projects for the platform.

The accelerator will administer $1 actor in prizes for acknowledged dApps and applications for the acute arrangement ecosystem, to be awarded at Tron’s niTROn Summit aboriginal abutting year.

Participation is accessible to all, and awards will be bent by a four-judge panel, including Justin Sun. The action for the accelerator affairs is explained on its webpage:

We would like to allotment our aerial achievement blockchain basement with all the developers, accouterment a belvedere for developers to body their dApps on TRON’s Network with aerial transaction speed, low development fees and convenient experience, and at the aforementioned time, advocacy the TRON dApp ecosystem.

Tron is amid the arch blockchains in abstracts throughput, with over a million circadian affairs and 600,000 wallets. However, it lags abaft its competitors in dApp adoption; the cardinal of circadian alive users for all Tron dApps rarely exceeds 3,000.

That may change acknowledgment to the accelerator program, which has allotted a $200,000 aboriginal award-winning to be disconnected amid developers of the acceptable dApp. Two $100,000 prizes will be broadcast amid the abutting two winners, with abate prizes alignment from $5,000 to $50,000. All prizewinners will additionally be aureate in to to the niTROn Summit and awards commemoration in San Francisco.

Although there are no appropriate requirements for what blazon of dApp is created, eight prizes accept been allotted for appropriate categories like “Excellent UI Design” and “Excellent Application Tool.”

The challenge is the latest advance in a attack to become the adopted blockchain for chump use, afterward the affiliation of BitTorrent to the Tron Mainnet beforehand this year. The $120 actor acquirement of the world’s better decentralized belvedere is accepted to access bread-and-butter incentives for online book sharing, as able-bodied as addition acceptance for the Tron network.

A point-of-sale system, the Poppy app, is acquisitive to accompany Tron tokens into circadian use for payments, and a TRX-compatible payments card is currently in beta trials.

Developers will accept until January 4 to abide their projects to the accelerator for a prize.

The columnist is not invested in TRX, but holds some tokens from an airdrop.