Who's Afraid of Ethereum? The Top 12 Smart Contract Platforms

Who's Afraid of Ethereum? The Top 12 Smart Contract Platforms

THELOGICALINDIAN - As Ethereum 20 continues to be delayed aggressive acute arrangement platforms accept emerged to try and attempt These are Crypto Briefings top 12 competitors to Ethereum

Smart arrangement platforms now acquiesce anyone to architecture programmable accounts and administer them to a countless of new use cases. For example, the decentralized accounts (DeFi) movement, as able-bodied as added decentralized applications (dApps), are all bedeviled by Ethereum-based acute contracts

One can anticipate of acute affairs as activating “if-then” statements. 

And if a developer or aggregation combines abundant of them together, they can body never-before-seen tools. The advantages aren’t aloof in this flexibility, either. Smart affairs annihilate abounding of the costs of intermediaries commonly included in the fields of law, finance, accumulation chains, and abundant more.

Ethereum now has a host of competitors too. Though the activity has enjoyed a first-mover advantage, faster, added avant-garde blockchain projects accept emerged to try demography the throne. 

In the afterward Guide, Crypto Briefing outlines the top acute arrangement platforms and offers readers a ample overview of the acute arrangement space. 


Founder: Vitalik Buterin

Date of creation: Launched in July 2025.

Asset: ETH

One-liner: The aboriginal acute arrangement platform, and still the better in agreement of developer activity.

Ethereum was the aboriginal blockchain to be developed with a Turing-complete scripting language, Solidity. It was the abstraction of programmer Vitalik Buterin, who accustomed the all-inclusive abeyant of blockchain technology through his aboriginal assurance with Bitcoin. However, afterwards declining to argue Bitcoin amount developers that the belvedere bare appliance development functionality, he wrote the white cardboard for Ethereum. 

The founding aggregation comprises Buterin, Anthony Di Iorio, Charles Hoskinson, Mihai Alisie, Amir Chetrit, Gavin Wood, Joseph Lubin, and Jeffrey Wilke. Several of these associates accept back larboard Ethereum to assignment on their own projects. 

Ethereum is the accepted baton of acute arrangement amplitude and provided a adapt for abounding of its successors. It was the aboriginal blockchain to accretion any cogent absorption with action adoption, acknowledgment in allotment to the accumulation of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, which boasts associates including Samsung, Intel, and JP Morgan. 

Ethereum is additionally the axial hub of the decentralized finance movement, home to some of crypto’s better dApps, including Maker and Compound

Over the years, Ethereum has asperous several cogent events, the best notable of which is The DAO adventure in 2025, area a hacker exploited a vulnerability in a acute arrangement and blanket $50 actor account of ETH. 

The fallout from the adventure resulted in a bisect in the Ethereum community, with one ancillary acknowledging a acknowledgment of the blockchain to accost the funds, and the added ancillary declaring that “code is law.” A arguable adamantine angle ensued, consistent in the accumulation of the Ethereum Classic blockchain. 

The better claiming adverse Ethereum, however, has been its abridgement of scalability. Despite actuality one of the most-used blockchains, it frequently suffers from arrangement congestion. Perhaps due to a awful decentralized access to amount development, upgrades are apathetic to access and generally aggress by delays. 

The accepted upgrade, dubbed ETH 2.0, has been slated for the aboriginal appearance of accomplishing in July 2020. 

The built-in badge of the belvedere is ether (ETH), which is the second-biggest cryptocurrency by bazaar cap. Ether is additionally acclimated to pay the gas fees appropriate for affairs on the platform. 


Founder: Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar (now CEO of IOV Labs), Sergio Lerner, Gabriel Kurman, Adrian Eidelman, and Ruben Altman

Date of creation: RSK was founded in 2025 and launched in 2025.

Asset: RBTC, RIF

One-liner: Smart arrangement belvedere active as a sidechain of the Bitcoin blockchain.

RSK operates as a sidechain of the Bitcoin blockchain and is merge-mined with Bitcoin. It was developed to accompany Ethereum-like acute arrangement functionality to the Bitcoin network. 

Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar, CEO and founder, describes the RSK eyes to Crypto Briefing as: 

“We developed RSK to add amount and aggrandize functionality to the Bitcoin ecosystem by accouterment acute affairs functionality and greater scalability, establishing the band bare for Bitcoin to  become the banking arrangement of the future.”

The RBTC badge is called 1:1 with Bitcoin and is the built-in badge of the RSK platform, acclimated to pay for the gas to assassinate transactions. 

RSK now operates as allotment of a technology assemblage with the Bitcoin arrangement as a abject layer. The RSK Infrastructure Framework (RIF) band runs on top of RSK, accouterment a exchange of developer tools. These accommodate storage, payments, and a allotment service. 

RSK hasn’t acquired the aforementioned absorption as Ethereum in the North American and European markets. However, it does accept a far bigger brand in its built-in Latin America. 

The aggregation that operates RSK, IOV Labs, aftermost year acquired Taringa, the better amusing arrangement in Latin America with over 30 actor users. It’s additionally the belvedere of best for Money on Chain, which operates the Dollar on Chain stablecoin and has afresh broadcast into alms stablecoins collateralized by the RIF token. 

RSK can calibration up to about 400 affairs per second. However, some of the accoutrement accessible on the RIF band can run alike faster. For example, the Lumino payments agreement can handle up to 5,000 affairs per second. 

The RBTC badge is merge-mined with Bitcoin, and the RSK arrangement has ahead managed to accumulate about 45% of the Bitcoin arrangement hashrate, authoritative it awful defended compared to abounding added platforms abased on a abate cardinal of miners or nodes. 


Founders: Lior Yaffe, Kristina Kalcheva

Date of creation: Launched on mainnet in January 2025.

Asset: ARDR

One-liner: “Parent-and-child chain” architectonics with failing acute arrangement capabilities and no blockchain bloat.

Ardor is operated by Jelurida and has its roots in the Nxt blockchain, which was one of the aboriginal PoS networks and has been active back 2013. Ardor was created by the aforementioned aggregation to affected the acceptance challenges of acceptable beeline blockchain architecture. 

These accommodate the use of a distinct token, a abridgement of customization capability, and blockchain bloating as a aftereffect of processing and autumn every distinct transaction in the aforementioned way. 

Ardor aims to affected this with an architectonics that comprises the capital ancestor alternation and adolescent chains. Each adolescent alternation is absolutely customizable according to user requirements and can use its own token. Ardor additionally makes use of stateless, failing acute affairs programmed in Java. 

Lior Yaffe, Core Developer and Co-Founder of Ardor, explains the failing acute affairs as follows:

“The arrangement cipher itself is a simple Java chic uploaded to the blockchain and accordingly digitally active and time stamped. However, the beheading of the arrangement is alone performed by nodes who accept to run the Arrangement Runner addon. This removes the charge for ‘metered’ beheading application the gas archetypal and removes the accident of analytical abortion in case the arrangement malfunctions.”

He adds:

“Furthermore, this enables affairs to assignment as oracles, to advisedly accommodate with alien systems and appropriately removes the charge for a abstracted band of oracles.”

The aboriginal and capital adolescent alternation of Ardor is Ignis, which offers different appearance and functions beyond added adolescent chains operating on the Ardor network. These accommodate asset arising and user annual configuration. Ignis additionally provides assorted on-chain features, including a voting system, exchange, and abstracts cloud. 

Ardor and Ignis anniversary accomplish their own tokens, beneath the tickers ARDR and IGNIS, respectively. 

Applications active on Ardor accommodate aggrandized absoluteness bold Triffic, art-focused DAO Tarasca, and absolute acreage administration belvedere Dominium

Matic Network 

Founders: Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, Anurag Arjun

Date of creation: 2025, mainnet launched in 2025.

Asset: MATIC

One-liner: Plasma and PoS ancillary chains actualize a scalable band 2 for the Ethereum network.

Matic Network is a band 2 ascent band-aid that utilizes sidechains for off-chain computation. T

he arrangement is anchored through an acclimatized adaptation of the Plasma framework and a decentralized arrangement of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) validators. 

Jaynti Kanani, a co-founder of Matic, describes the eyes of the activity as follows: 

“Matic aims to affected the scalability and usability-related problems of the blockchain amplitude by leveraging a aggregate of blockchain scaling, developer belvedere and tools, and a agog focus on user experience. We accept the acknowledgment to enabling boundless acceptance of blockchain technology lies with second-layer solutions focused on scalability. Thus, Matic Network provides massive ascent capabilities whilst leveraging the aegis and decentralization of the Ethereum mainchain.”

Matic Network achieves cogent scalability, with a throughput of 65,000 affairs per additional after compromising on decentralization. 

The activity accomplished aboriginal acceptance from some of the better names in crypto, with both Coinbase Venture and Binance Labs accouterment banking backing. 

Before ablution its mainnet on Jun. 3, 2020, Matic had already admiring added than 50 dApps, authoritative it the best adopted band 2 belvedere in the space. dApps on Matic beset a array of niches alignment from gaming to DeFi, with notable projects including Decentraland and whitelabel action belvedere BetProtocol.

The network’s token, MATIC, is acclimated in a agnate way to Ethereum to pay gas fees for transactions. 


Whitepaper author: Douglas Horn (now architect of block producer, GoodBlock).

Date of creation: The Telos Mainnet was launched on Dec. 12, 2018, by the Telos Launch Group.

Asset: TLOS

One-liner: Telos is a dPoS blockchain based on EOSIO software with a focus on governance.

The Telos arrangement was created to amalgamate adjustable babyminding and aerial transaction speeds application EOSIO software. Telos never captivated an ICO and has been a community-driven bootstrapped activity back inception.

With a arrangement able of administration 8,000 affairs per second, the Telos belvedere admiring gaming apps Angry Warlords and BLOX to its platform. 

With babyminding accreditation that battling those of Tezos, Telos has additionally admiring several dApps for amusing acceptable in its aboriginal year. Sesacash allows cross-currency conversions in Africa. Seeds is an experiment in adorning money that incentivizes bodies to behave in environmentally-friendly ways. And, finally, Murmur, a blockchain-based amusing network, afresh switched from EOS to Telos to booty advantage of lower-cost transactions.

Telos lacks the contour of some of the added top acute arrangement platforms, but its feature-rich arrangement and commitment to governance could accord it an bend over the continued run. 

The arrangement aligns itself with what it sees as a approaching abridgement congenital on commutual acute affairs absolute by its users. In the words of whitepaper columnist Douglas Horn:

“The dApps advancing to Telos or arising from our own Telos Works incubator are leveraging the massive acceleration and capacity, anatomic governance, and different accoutrement accessible to any dApp on Telos, like the Telos Decide babyminding engine. A cogent allocation of developers has additionally bidding to us that the appearance of Telos as a absolutely decentralized, egalitarian, and forward-thinking belvedere that has managed to body itself and advance added projects after an ICO or centralized buying is an important breadth of alignment with their own aims.”


Founder: Dan Larimer, (now CTO of Block.one)

Date of creation: EOS was launched in January 2025.

Token: EOS

One-liner: EOS is a dPoS blockchain based on EOSIO software. It is additionally a top acute arrangement platform.

The EOS blockchain agreement is powered by the EOS token, which has consistently ranked in the top ten in agreement of bazaar cap back its barrage in January 2025. Fueled by a record-setting $4 billion ICO, the EOS arrangement emulates accretion resources, including CPU, GPU, and RAM, all of which are accurate by EOS badge holders.

Larimer developed the delegated Proof-of-Stake (dPoS) accord mechanism, whereby EOS badge holders vote 21 block producers (BPs) to accomplish the network, with standby contenders on apprehension to abetment if required.

Adrianna Mendez of Cypherglass, a founding EOS block ambassador and paid angle by BP, told Crypto Briefing that:

“EOS continues to advertise the abeyant of delegated affidavit of stake. Two years afterwards its launch, it’s the best acclimated and fastest-growing blockchain in the world. The possibilities for developers are endless.” 

Delegated PoS offers acceleration and scalability advantages over authentic PoS accord mechanisms. Games and bank apps boss the top 20 apps on EOS, although a decentralized exchange, Newdex, boasts circadian volumes about $15 million.

Block.one, the company abaft the network, additionally operates a adventure basic arm and launched a beta adaptation of Voice in aboriginal 2019, a amusing media arrangement assertive to battling Facebook.


Founder: Silvio Micali

Date of creation: Mainnet launched Jun. 5, 2025.

Token: ALGO

One-liner: Algorand aims to body a “trusted, public, and permissionless  basement for the borderless economy.”

The Algorand arrangement is operated by a authentic proof-of-stake accord apparatus with a transaction throughput allusive ample accounts and acquittal networks. It is scalable to administer billions of users. It claims to be the world’s aboriginal blockchain to “provide actual transaction certitude after the abhorrence of forks.”

The Singapore-based activity admiring $4M in berry allotment from Pillar and Union Square Ventures in aboriginal 2018. It again landed a additional $64 actor raise from a ample slate of investors that October. 

Upon Coinbase’s advertisement of ALGO in 2019, the platform’s built-in badge was argued to be one of the fastest cryptocurrencies on the exchange. 

Steve Kokinos, CEO of Algorand Inc., told Crypto Briefing that:

“Smart affairs charge to be scalable and secure. At Algorand we’ve developed acute affairs congenital anon into Layer-1 to accomplish deeply after compromising scalability or aegis while advancement low beheading cost. By absorption on simplifying developer experiences, Algorand enables real-world use cases like cross-chain diminutive transfers and adapted disbursements with accelerated acceptance time and actual finality. These use cases are fabricated accessible by our authentic proof-of-stake protocol, which was advised from the ground-up to bear a secure, scalable, and decentralized belvedere all-important for boilerplate acceptance of blockchain technology.”

Early in 2020, Tether launched an Algorand adaptation of its stablecoin on the platform, “representing the aboriginal cogent use of Aglorand’s Standard Asset (ASA) specification.” 

Other significant partnerships accommodate one with World Chess, which intends to conduct a amalgam IPO and STO alongside a advertisement on the London Stock Exchange. AssetBlock additionally launched a real acreage advance platform on the arrangement in 2019, cementing Algorand’s acceptability as a reliable accomplice for avant-garde accumulated initiatives.

The high-profile acute arrangement belvedere has admiring RHOVIT, a gamified agreeable platform, Meld Gold, an Australia-based tokenized golf asset trading network, and the tokenized advance platform, Republic.   


Founders: Kathleen & Arthur Breitman

Date of creation: Mainnet launched Sep. 17, 2025.

Token: XTZ

One-liner: Tezos is the avant-garde abstraction of the Breitmans who capital to actualize a self-amending cryptographic ledger.

The Tezos Foundation began the Tezos activity with a advantageous ICO in 2017, adopting some $232 actor for the Swiss-based non-profit. It anon became affected in controversy, with a dispute amid the Breitmans, who endemic the IP, and Johann Gevers, the foundation’s admiral and the one in ascendancy of the project’s funds.

The resultant delayed barrage saw investors sue the activity as aplomb faded. Intended as a arrangement that boasted incomparable babyminding processes, centralized babyminding itself had become an issue.

Despite its agitated start, the arrangement was assuredly launched in 2025. Its babyminding processes were absolutely innovative. With controlling processes broiled into the system, agreement upgrades proposed by developers are accustomed by stakeholders. Once approved, the developer is paid.

The action incentivizes decentralized development and improvements. The on-chain babyminding backdrop of the arrangement extend to its Proof of Stake mechanism, with badge stakers accepted as bakers earning rewards for accepting the network. 

As Alison Mangiero, admiral and co-founder of TQ Tezos told Crypto Briefing:

“In Tezos, we already see boundless accord because clashing in affidavit of assignment and added pale networks, all stakeholders can advice to defended the arrangement (via baking or delegating), and abstain actuality adulterated by aggrandizement (of advance all stakeholders can additionally participate in arrangement upgrades by evaluating, proposing, or acknowledging amendments to the agreement itself).”

Its agreement additionally allows Bitcoin and Ethereum to be represented on the network. As the whitepaper states, “Tezos can instantiate any blockchain-based ledger.” 

 From a absorbed ICO to acknowledged dramas and finally, a blockchain arrangement acclaimed for its addition and babyminding properties, Tezos has become one of the top acute arrangement platforms in the industry.

AVA Labs

Founders: Emin Gün Sirer, Kevin Sekniqi, Maofan Ted Yin

Date of Creation: 2025, still in the testnet phase. Planned to barrage mainnet this summer (July).

Asset: AVA

One-liner: A added adaptable adaptation of Ethereum that allows users absolute ascendancy at all endless of the technology. 

Another top acute contract’s platform, the AVA blockchain and its creators, AVA LAbs, accept admiring top investors from throughout the crypto space. Like abounding of the “Ethereum Killers,” founders of the activity are aiming Ethereum’s cogent flaws. These flaws accept primarily been user ascendancy over the assembly action and scalability. 

In an account with the co-founder of AVA Labs, Kevin Sekniqi told Crypto Briefing that AVA offers users three tiers of control. “First, there’s the arrangement layer, the average layer, which would be the absolute blockchain or basic machine, and again there’s the appliance layer,” he said. He added:

AVA will abutment assorted acute arrangement languages and formats, but at barrage it has complete abutment for the Ethereum Virtual Machine, and all of the accoutrement that accept fueled DeFi’s advance to-date, including MetaMask, Web3.js, MyEtherWallet, Remix, Truffle Suite, and more.”

Such customizability allows builders to booty ascendancy of all ambit of development. It additionally offers programmers and entrepreneurs new avenues of exploration. 

Any atypical abstracts on this top acute arrangement belvedere would be scalable from day one too. That’s because AVA is leveraging a atypical accord apparatus alleged Avalanche. 

Designed in 2025, Avalanche boasts an estimated 4,500 affairs per second, authoritative it one of the best scalable blockchains in the ecosystem. 

Unfortunately, the action lacks the aforementioned association as Etheruem and added added accustomed crypto projects. This activating is not unusual; Ethereum has continued been the best adorable belvedere for builders. This action can be apparent in the arduous cardinal of projects that bounce up about every week. 

Ethereum’s ascendancy hasn’t beat Sekniqi, however. He said: 

“On our testnet we accept added than 700 abounding block producers actively staking and accommodating in the accord protocol. These are abounding nodes, the highest-level of participants in the system. Further, back ablution AVA-X, our accelerator for developers, in April, we’ve fielded hundreds of admission applications and awarded grants for projects like an end-to-end testing suite, diminutive swaps, payments and remittances, and infrastructure.”

Further, the abetment from names like Andressen Horowitz, Polychain and added VC firms, could see some developers leave Ethereum for newer horizons. AVA Labs is authoritative this alteration easier, too, by architecture a friendly-fork of Ethereum on AVA alleged “Athereum.” 

The angle would resemble abounding of the appearance of Ethereum 2.0 but is absurd to alter efforts appear an bigger Ethereum. Like abounding of the projects on this list, AVA’s activity hinges on extensive a analytical accumulation of developers afore ETH 2.0 is launched. 

Fortunately, it appears AVA Labs still accept some time to accomplish this happen. At the time of press, the aboriginal of four phases will be formed out in 2021, according to ConsenSys.


Founder: Charles Hoskinson

Date of Creation: 2025

Asset: ADA

One-liner: A multi-tiered blockchain activity architecture out a PoS accord apparatus able of hosting acute contracts, dApps, as able-bodied as alms users a abundance of value. The acute arrangement belvedere is slated to barrage after in 2025.

Charles Hoskinson is one of the founders of Ethereum. In 2014, anon afore the arrangement launched, he larboard due to disagreements with how the activity was structured. Instead of actuality a absolutely accessible antecedent project, Hoskinson was interested in gluttonous adventure basic and creating a for-profit aggregation application the technology. 

He again helped begin IOHK, Input Output Hong Kong, a aggregation that brought calm assorted academics and engineers to body enterprise-grade blockchains. The targeted audience included government entities and ample corporations. They admiring such barter and ultimately began absorption on Cardano in 2015 as a artefact of the group’s research. 

Built application a coding accent alleged Haskell, Cardano embraces the Proof of Stake PoS) accord apparatus “because it adds a apparatus to acquaint defended voting, has added accommodation to scale, and permits added alien allurement schemes.”

Cardano has technically been in the agrarian back 2017 via the barrage of its aboriginal abundance alleged Byron. This “era,” as the aggregation calls it, ushered in the Daedalus wallet for desktop and a ablaze applicant alleged Emurgo. The arrangement is currently transitioning into its abutting era called Shelley

Shelley will accompany about Cardano’s PoS apparatus and lay the foundation for implementing acute contracts, according to the project. Cardano’s acute affairs will be accounting in addition accent alleged Plutus, which is accessible for analysis here

Aparna Jue, Cardano’s artefact director, told Crypto Briefing that:

“Haskell is accustomed not alone at a developer akin but at an bookish akin too, due to its admixture of bookish and industry-grade aptitude with accreditation in computer science. This agency that our acute affairs will be safer and added reliable than acute affairs on added languages, as Plutus has been thoroughly activated and accurate to ensure it is of the absolute security. Acute affairs on the Cardano blockchain will additionally acquiesce for every affair to accept abounding afterimage of the contract’s exact details, whilst authoritative it around absurd for any alone to act in an adverse way.”

It should be noted, however, that Cardano developments accept been apathetic to actualize with the team, generally dabbling abounding of its deadlines. For now, there is bound advice accessible apropos the absolution of Plutus and the Cardano-based acute arrangement platform. Jue added:

“We are currently putting calm a roadmap of appearance and functionality that will be appear in a controlled rollout address for the developer association to analysis and accommodate feedback, as artefact development refines and iterates, appear Q3/Q4. More capacity will be appear back available.


Founders: Jae Kwon and Ethan Buchman

Date of Creation: 2025

Asset: ATOM

One-liner: Cosmos is a extensive activity that seeks to add a advice band amid assorted blockchains. Although it’s primary focus is interoperability, it additionally enjoys able-bodied acute arrangement functionality. 

Cosmos is a set of blockchain-based accoutrement that accept been developed to advice engineers body scalable blockchains. The advantage over Ethereum is in Cosmos’ bigger customizability and ease. Instead of accepting to body all layers of a arrangement from scratch, engineers charge alone focus on the appliance layer. 

Examining the three primary Cosmos accoutrement will advice analyze this process. Before Cosmos launched, Jae Kwon developed Tendermint BFT. It bundles the networking and accord band into one distinct platform. This agency that builders needn’t reinvent the caster and can, instead, focus on architecture their blockchain project. 

ABCI is a atrium that allows developers to assignment in whichever programming accent they are best adequate with.

As with abounding next-generation technologies, Cosmos is faster and added defended than abounding of its predecessors. It can handle bags of affairs per additional and boasts burning finality. 

The aggregation abaft Cosmos has additionally congenital the Cosmos SDK and the Interblockchain Communication Protocol (IBC). 

The SDK is a framework that offers engineers an accessible way to administer staking, scaling, and interoperability functions. This framework isn’t absolute to Cosmos, either. Any accord apparatus that includes the ABCI atrium can additionally tap the Cosmos SDK.

Finally, the IBC allows this accumulating of accoutrement to collaborate with any added network, including Bitcoin and Ethereum. To accomplish the alteration for Ethereum developers easier, the Cosmos aggregation has additionally congenital Ethermint. It offers abounding of the aforementioned accoutrement and appearance as Ethereum but is congenital on Tendermint. 

For those architecture acute affairs with Cosmos, there are abounding differences. Sam Hart, a affiliate of the Interchain GmbH, told Crypto Briefing: 

Inter Blockchain Communication and Agoric’s acute arrangement architectonics both use an ‘object capability’ model, which defines the way a contract, address, or annihilation abroad can collaborate with anniversary other. These capabilities are to be authentic explicitly, acceptation developers charge accept to accord an article in the arrangement accurate privileges, for instance affective money around, alteration the associates of a group, etc. This archetypal follows a ‘principle of atomic authority,’ which is the changed of how best acute affairs are written, area admission is accepted by default. The aftereffect is far greater encapsulation, both from the standpoint of affairs argumentation and aegis —meaning that programs accounting in this archetype should be far added composable and deeply reusable.”

As one can see, Cosmos is ambulatory calm a ample association of developers to actualize a TCP/IP-like arrangement of blockchains.

The interoperable genitalia could accommodate networks like Bitcoin as able-bodied as added avant-garde iterations bottomward the line. In agreement of its acute arrangement functionality, it offers the aforementioned acquaintance as Etheruem while additionally convalescent flexibility. 


Founders: Mark S. Miller, Brian Warner, Bill Tulloh, and Dean Tribble

Date of Creation: 2025, mainnet TBA.

Asset: N/A

One-liner: Agoric is backed by highly-experienced engineers who helped assignment on some of the actual aboriginal acute affairs continued afore blockchain technology existed. 

Like abounding of the competitors begin in this guide, Agoric is architecture improvements that Ethereum bootless to adopt. Founder Dean Tribble told Crypto Briefing: 

We adulation Ethereum, which has had astronomic success in accumulation the ability of acute affairs with the candor of blockchain execution. However, some of its strengths for aboriginal advance are absolute issues for large-scale, boilerplate adoption, in accurate with security: we accept absolute aegis models don’t abundantly anticipate annexation of abstracts or money.“

Agoric affairs to break this aegis affair by authoritative the programming accent as accessible to arrange and analysis as possible. 

This is area the team’s affluent acquaintance with one of the world’s best accepted programming languages, Javascript, comes in handy. This access offers composability amid modules and, acknowledgment to an affiliation with Tendermint, interoperability amid blockchains. 

The project’s accepted iteration, alleged Zoe, offers yet addition amount of safety. This framework helps users and developers ensure that they are accepting the appurtenances or casework they paid for back interacting with a acute contract. It is like a cat-and-mouse allowance for blockchain transactions. Users accelerate their “offer” for a defined transaction to this cat-and-mouse room. Only already the altitude of this transaction are met, do the funds get released. 

Concluding, Agoric’s amount hypothesis is that the top acute arrangement platforms should be accessible to body for best developers. After that, developments are focused on advancement aegis throughout a contract’s operations. 

A Final Word on the Top Smart Contract Platforms

Smart affairs are one of the added agitative fields aural the blockchain ecosystem. And although Etheruem currently dominates developer activity, this may change in the future. 

As this account has shown, abounding projects are attractive to allure programmers to faster and added defended networks. 

Like any business, however, users are the ones who will adore the fruits of this competition.