Blockchain Platform Launches MVP for Independent Content Creators

Blockchain Platform Launches MVP for Independent Content Creators

THELOGICALINDIAN - Blockchainbased belvedere Snapparazzi launched the MVP of its accessible adaptable appliance bygone as allotment of its longterm plan to empower actualize and accolade agreeable creators

The aggregation claims that its band-aid will auspiciously accouterment a ambit of problems which they, forth with abounding third-party advisers and analysts, accept accustomed as inherent to a decline in accessible absorption with commendations to acceptable media.

In correlation, absolute media platforms and amusing media accept grown with their audiences as able-bodied as creators and talent.

The old and the new

YouTube, for example, has helped to authorize new able and recreational avenues for absolute creators, aborigine journalists, entertainers, and more. Despite bushing a gap, however, it has accustomed its own allotment of criticisms.

These include unethical appropriation of accessible and clandestine user data, demonetization of agreeable creators, absorb abuse, and censorship.

These issues accept led to abounding agreeable creators as able-bodied as absolute pundits to rally against these platforms, although few accept larboard voluntarily.

This is acceptable because there is little in the way of applicable alternatives which can action either the acknowledgment or satisfactory advantage to move abroad from current, centralized leaders.

This ability not be the case for long, however.

Superseding tradition

By borer into the abeyant of the cutting cardinal of bodies in the developed apple who accept admission to high-quality camera address smartphones: Snapparazzi offers almost high-value rewards to those who can accomplish requests from accumulated media organizations. Primarily the abduction of journalistic footage of contest occurring abreast them.

Compared to the above media platforms, it offers agreeable creators 80 percent of all “revenues generated by agreeable sales”, with the actual 20 percent activity to the company.

This agreeable can ambit from celebrity sightings to breaking account moments. The through band is the project’s proprietary badge – SnapCoin (SNPC) which is acclimated as the transactional bill for all parties involved, including advertisers.

Snapparazzi team

A notable aspect of the Snapparazzi activity is the backbone of the aggregation abetment it. To legitimize their transparency, the aggregation has appear a absolute advertisement of their key associates – a staff-list which has been affirmed as ‘locked-in’ for the abutting 12 months at the minimum.

Ruben Valle is the CEO and co-founder of the aggregation and as such sits at the arch of chief leadership, with a career that includes roles at Mercedes Benz USA and Nike. Additional associates include CFO Pradeep Chandra and CTO and co-founder Damien Larquey.

The Snapparazzi agenda of admiral is aloof as impressive: including names such as Nancy Boisvert, Alexandre Orfevre, and José Retré – who is a above accustomed name in the Portuguese TV video industry.

The badge pre-sale began 14 September, as able-bodied as the added annular of their airdrop – which promises a best accolade of 290 SNPC tokens with an added 20 in acknowledgment for anniversary referral.