Why GXChain's New Blockcity Mobile App Has Gone Ballistic

Why GXChain's New Blockcity Mobile App Has Gone Ballistic


A few weeks ago, Crypto Briefing appear that the Chinese Government ranked GXChain, the decentralized and open-sourced abstracts barter platform, fourth in the Global Blockchain Assessment Index. It’s no shock that Ethereum and EOS are ranked higher, but GXChain’s actualization was a abruptness back best of the Chinese project’s assignment is not abnormally accustomed to the west.

It’s believable that China would appetite to advertise a new activity to advice it grow, or that the blow of the blockchain apple has been sleeping on a above abeyant asset in the blockchain market. Either way, it may be time to deathwatch up to GXChain’s potential.

A report from The-Blockchain has appear “Blockcity,” the adaptable appliance for the company, is one of the best alive blockchain communities in the crypto apple with 1.86M registered users.

Why is Blockcity’s Growth So Impressive?

PikcioChain, a accessible blockchain aggregation partnered with NEO, believes that personal abstracts is an acutely admired asset. Its mission is to ensure aegis for crypto investors and to put the ability of your claimed abstracts aback into your own hands. The aggregation is accouterment the aboriginal monetized claimed abstracts exchange and its affiliation with NEO makes it a able asset.

Despite its accomplishments over the accomplished 3 years, PikcioChain’s bazaar cap is still beneath $4M with NEO authoritative a $3M investment. At this time, GXChain has a bazaar cap of over $137M and “Blockcity” has a agnate mission to PikcioChain. 

Why Has Blockcity’s User Base Grown So Quickly?

Users of the appliance are accustomed the aforementioned akin of ascendancy over their claimed advice as “PikcioChain,” or any added accessible blockchain. Blockcity consolidates user’s abstracts and food it into an encrypted book arrangement that gives users the befalling to accumulation from the data. Through GXChain, the app not alone supports acute affairs but additionally provides different casework that explain why bodies are absorption to the appliance so fast.

GXChain technology allows the Blockcity app to action ID verification, multi-dimensional data, KYC, and a lot added than abounding added accessible blockchains accept developed. Smart affairs are accurate forth with blockchain as a service, and developers can affair new assets of GXChain.

It’s believed 40 percent of the 1.86M users are alive daily. As GXChain’s position continues to abound its user abject and the technology continues to develop, its role should alone become added important in the Chinese bazaar and could become a huge asset in cryptocurrency if it assets added absorption from the Western world.

The columnist does not currently authority agenda assets.

My Constellation cipher analysis coincides with the absolution of their testnet visualizer, which you can see here. The business itself is declared as “A blockchain microservice operating system” which checks off all the boxes for any austere adversary these canicule – scalable, fast, reputation-based chargeless transactions, decentralized, mobile, acute contracts, etc etc.

The question, of course, is whether they can alive up to the (considerable) advertising about the project.

“We adduce a accountability resistant, angular scalable, broadcast operating arrangement that can apparatus abounding nodes as a adaptable client. Therefore, we present a reformulation of cryptographically defended accord into a avant-garde server-less architectonics application an asynchronous ExtendedTrustChain, Proof-of-Meme accord model, acute affairs as composeable microservices application the JVM and initially implemented as an amateur based bound accompaniment machine.”

Horizontally scalable…

Proof-of-Meme… dPoS

I do like amateur based accompaniment machines though.

Let’s go to code, and see if they accept a band-aid for the certitude problem.

Scala, makes sense, amateur based archetypal and all that. Akka is abundant at it. Maybe this Constellation cipher analysis will about-face out well.

What do you know, they do absolutely use Akka. LevelDB for storage. Straightforward Akka LevelDB implementation.

Good cipher anatomy and commenting, I’ll accord them that.

API, accepted routes, disabled affidavit for now.

Proof of work?

Voting on accord of the structure. So about delay until the DAG looks the same, again vote. So could aloof use a block.

Constellation Code Review Conclusion:

Decent code, annihilation wow, annihilation bad. But it’s aloof addition chain. Not seeing the acute arrangement accomplishing with the DAG (or the abstracts accumulator either). The amateur model, while architecturally sexy, doesn’t do much.

Not a lot activity on here. Just DAG 101. Definitely not angular scalable.

Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing code reviews are performed by auditing what is on affectation in the adept annex of the repo’s fabricated available. This was performed as an educational analysis and any comments in the commodity are the assessment of the writer. It is accustomed for cipher to change rapidly, appropriately we timestamp our cipher reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information independent herein should not be acclimated as any animadversion or admonition on the activity as a whole.

Constellation Code Review Timestamp: August 2024

(BTW, the angel is Orion… horizontally.)