What The FCT: Factom Quadruples In A Month

What The FCT: Factom Quadruples In A Month


Prices for Factoid (FCT) tokens, the built-in bill for Factom,  are rising. While the blow of the market went into meltdown, FCT has been on an advance for the accomplished month. Partnerships, collaborations, and adoptions are active prices upwards.

In November, back the bazaar looked like it was on the border of a breakout, the FCT badge amount sank to a new annual low. It traded at almost $3.88 per bread in the average of the month, its everyman amount back aboriginal 2017.

But again FCT began to rise, breaking through the $10 mark on November 26th. It wasn’t an ceaseless billow – the amount would actual afterwards a able upwards trend – but it was still accretion in value. The bread accomplished $11 by the end of the month, accepting about $70M in absolute amount and accepting 200% in two weeks.

The bread is now trading at aloof beneath $15, and the bazaar cap stands at $132M at the time of writing. That agency FCT tokens are now account about four times what they were in mid-November, beneath than three weeks ago.

Facts about Factom

Factom is a blockchain for companies to create their own almanac systems.  Factoid tokens provide incentives for bazaar participants. They are acclimated in bike with the network’s sister token, Entry Credits (EC), which are acclimated to barter amount on the blockchain. They can additionally be acclimated to acquirement accumulator data.

Factom is a near-contemporary of Ethereum (ETH), accepting been accustomed in the closing allotment of 2015. Companies accept bidding interest in application the agreement and the project’s CEO, Paul Snow, said acquirement was reportedly up by about 700% in the aftermost quarter. “Factom has amorphous seeing a change in the blockchain industry as we adapt for 2019,” he said. “Factom’s Q3 2018 revenues were up over 675% from Q3 aftermost year as it prepares to activate 2019 busier than it has anytime been.”

On November 13th, real-estate software provider Equador appear it would accomplice with the activity to accommodate its Harmony activity into its absence mortgage process. Two canicule ago, the Chinese online alive and announcement platform, Yooya, appear it had additionally adopted Harmony. Yooya said it will use the blockchain to accommodate accurate cartage and achievement abstracts from its featured videos.

“Yooya’s acceptance of the market-leading Factom Protocol is a able accession to our agenda of solutions for brands and online video advertisers in China,” said Yooya CEO Rick Myers. “Factom will be a analytical allotment of our advancing development of China’s aboriginal blockchain-based exchange for the affairs and affairs of media rights in China.”

Much like how Ripple’s xCurrent doesn’t use XRP, Factom Harmony is a blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) agreement that doesn’t use cryptocurrencies or tokens. The bazaar reacted absolutely to the account two companies were onboarding the band-aid by affairs Factoid tokens. Some traders acutely didn’t apprehend the baby print.

Disclaimer: The columnist is invested in ETH, which is mentioned in this article.