Introducing the Simple to Use and Robust Wallet

Introducing the Simple to Use and Robust Wallet

THELOGICALINDIAN - Were consistently appetite for Bitcoincom to be the arch destination for all your bitcoin needs This ages we are captivated to advertise that our new easytouse bitcoin wallet is now accessible for assorted operating systems

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Introducing the New Wallet: Great for Beginners and Seasoned Experts is growing badly with abounding affection casework and bags of cryptocurrency agreeable for both newcomers and veterans in this space. We accept a all-inclusive arrangement of educational sources, a wiki, bitcoin-related news, bank games, and so abundant more. Now we’ve absitively to barrage our premiere wallet client for Mac, Windows, Linux, Apple iOS, and Android operating systems. We’ve additionally created a absurd chrome addendum wallet as well. Additionally, we anticipate our wallets are absolute for beginners as the user interface makes it absolutely accessible to use and abundance bitcoins.

With the new wallet, users can acquirement bitcoins, accelerate and accept the decentralized currency, and abundance their agenda asset with confidence. Users can verify the code and download the audience via Github, as able-bodied as download the Android client from Google Play, and our iOS wallet from the App Store.’s CEO, Roger Ver, is captivated to accommodate a first chic wallet for bitcoin users both new and old.

“I’m aflame about our new wallet,” explains Ver. “The user interface is straightforward, and I anticipate beginners and alike acclimatized bitcoin users are activity to acknowledge the simplicity.”

Downloading and Using the Wallet

The aboriginal affair to do to get a wallet is appointment our download portal that offers versions for all above operating systems (OS) available. Choose your OS and accessible the installer which will accompany you to the wallet’s barrage settings area you can alpha a new wallet or restore an absolute account.

Starting a new wallet is easy, but accomplish abiding you accept a allotment of cardboard and pen accessible to address bottomward your abstruse twelve-word berry phrase. Your berry byword will accord you admission to your clandestine keys, and you can restore a wallet from any OS application your berry in case you accept an emergency. does not abundance users funds, and they can alone be retrieved by application your clandestine keys/seed phrase.

Using the wallet is simple as well, as users can accelerate and accept application a affected abode or browse a QR code. Furthermore, you can be bound directed to the web aperture from the wallet interface and arch over to our purchasing page. The wallet has assorted languages and currencies that can be tailored in the settings section. The user interface additionally provides a ambit of fee settings to accent transactions, and accomplished chump support. The Very Best When it Comes to Bitcoin Services and Related Content

We’re aflame to action a first chic wallet client for all of our visitors actuality at, and we achievement our readers accord it a try. In accession to accouterment an accessible to use and defended bitcoin wallet, our developers are in the bosom of adding bitcoin banknote (BCH) support as well. This agency you will anon be able to send, receive, and abundance bitcoin banknote in a affection non-custodial wallet.    

Our development aggregation is additionally beholden to Bitpay for creating the accessible antecedent Copay wallet that helped us aftermath our new apartment of clients. Feel chargeless to accelerate us some acknowledgment and acquaint us about your acquaintance application our new wallet. We appetite to action the actual best back it comes to bitcoin casework and accompanying content, and we accept the new wallet is one added abundant appearance our website has to offer. Additionally, this is aloof the alpha as our Bitcoin-focused website is aloof accepting started!

Check out our Mac & Windows desktop versions and our Chrome extension wallet here. Mobile releases for Apple’s iOS can be found here and our Android absolution can be downloaded here from Google Play.

Have you approved the new wallet yet? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments below. We’d adulation to apprehend your feedback.

Images via Shutterstock, and 

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