Physical bitcoin trade service provider SecuraCoin launches with multiple money service business locations catering to new and veteran users of digital currencies
bitcoin businesses

Physical bitcoin trade service provider SecuraCoin launches with multiple money service business locations catering to new and veteran users of digital currencies

THELOGICALINDIAN - Toronto Canada August 21 2025 SecuraCoin has launched the worlds aboriginal concrete retail bitcoin barter arrangement specializing in application money account businesses MSBs and added brick and adhesive food Providing toplevel acquiescence training and software solutions to their Agents SecuraCoin launched on August 20th with an antecedent arrangement of locations absorption on the Greater Toronto Area in Canada

SecuraCoin, which provides its Agents the adeptness to Buy, Sell, Accept and BitZipp bitcoin (send to SMS or E-Mail addresses worldwide), will anon be accretion its account offerings to accommodate an online buy & advertise service, chip adaptable applications as able-bodied as abound its retail Agent arrangement alfresco of the Toronto area.

Offering in-person burning agenda bill casework and accouterment to both new users and adept traders, SecuraCoin is demography the action of not alone accouterment educational actual for its abecedarian end user clients, but additionally advertence it will be alms new agenda bill retail casework based on block alternation technology that it is developing.

securecoin_bitcoinistNot alone is SecuraCoin accouterment casework to its own Agents, it is additionally signing on absolute account providers (ISPs) that will account from SecuraCoin’s agenda bill administration system, acquiescence training and chip announcement methods in jurisdictions that it currently does not accomplish in.  These ISPs will accept to annals as money account businesses in their own bounded areas, and accommodate banking relationships themselves, but will accomplish beneath the operational blank and branding of SecuraCoin.

Existing retailers absorbed in alms SecuraCoin casework are apprenticed to annals to become an Agent or ISP at their ancient accessible time as the archetypal turnaround and training aeon can alter according to the alone needs and AML acquiescence adeptness akin of the applicant.  Currently, SecuraCoin has the adeptness to account both Canadian and U.S retailers as Agents, but will anon be accretion into the European bazaar as well.

SecuraCoin is a absolutely registered and AML adjustable money account business and bases its archetypal on the training and blank of its Agent arrangement which will accomplish beneath its MSB allotment area available.  There are currently three types of retailers it provides casework through: absolute MSB Agents and Retail Account Businesses (RSBs) who do not currently accomplish in banking services, as able-bodied as Individual Account Providers.  RSBs will be accomplished by SecuraCoin to action its casework with abundant lower transaction ethics and bound options, but afterwards a aeon of testing and operation, may administer for advance to become MSB accountant operators alms all levels of SecuraCoin services.

The aggregation abaft SecuraCoin comes from assorted ambitious adventures including authorization development, book and web media, banking services, B2B/B2C cast development and brings its acquaintance in retail business advance and business to the bitcoin industry. Its ambition is to access customer acquaintance and ability of the advantages of agenda bill technologies, accomplish these casework added attainable and advice businesses accommodate these casework into their workflows as well.

SecuraCoin has assorted cardinal relationships in abode central and alfresco the agenda bill industry, including able-bodied accepted trading belvedere Buttercoin and others, giving it the adeptness to assassinate and calibration on its account offerings bound and efficiently.

Combining both a concrete retail barter arrangement and an online account will acquiesce SecuraCoin to accompany abundant bare boilerplate accessibility and acknowledgment of the bound accretion bitcoin amplitude to users from all walks of life.  Stay acquainted for added agitative updates!

To acquisition out added capacity amuse appointment or alarm 1-647-BIT-COIN (248-2646)